Sunday, November 30, 2008

Producer of Superman Returns and Batman A Child Molester?

I was sent this information regarding my friend Brian Quintana which I thought might be of interest to some of you. The actual press release will be published sometime tomorrow in the mainstream media.

Hollywood producer Jon Peters is being sued by his Superman:Man of Steel co-producer, and top executive, Brian Quintana for wrongful termination, sexual harassment, retaliation, defamation, and other causes of action.

The complaint filed in California Superior Court last Wednesday alleges that Quintana was terminated on November 4, 2008 when he refused to perjure himself in Peters' criminal matter. LAPD filed a report against Peters the same day for threatening and intimidating a witness. Additionally, The Ventura County District Attorney is investigating charges Peters failed to complete an alcohol-education program, report to his probation officer,and complete community service. Peters is due in court on January 16, 2009 to answer these charges.

The suit describes a super abusive Peters and goes on to allege that:

Peters demanded Plaintiff cover up accusations of sexual molestation of minor males by Peters, including a request by Peters to have one such minor male murdered;

Peters demanded Plaintiff cover up allegations that Peters engaged in sexually inappropriate acts in front of children;

Peters made multiple comments and had conversations about the genetalia and anatomy of adult males, adult females, minor males, minor females, and horses;

Peters demanded Plaintiff cover up the statutory rape of Peters’ daughter, including the destruction of evidence of this rape;

Peters made multiple comments and had conversations about homosexuality, his personal sexual habits, as well as sex acts he had engaged in and with whom, which also included showing pictures of the anatomy of some of these sexual partners to Plaintiff;

Peters demanded Plaintiff drive male individuals onto the set for the purposes of granting sexual favors for members of the cast and crew;

and, Peters demanded Plaintiff retrieve illegal prescription drugs;

Though the latest in a string of lawsuits against Peters, this one must have Hollywood's A-list panicking that their most intimate secrets will be aired. Peters, along with Quintana, have been linked to such private stars as Barbra Streisand, Will Smith, Catherine Zeta-Jones, Leonardo DiCaprio, Jennifer Lopez, Tom Cruise, and Oprah Winfrey. The four-times-divorced producer also faces sexual-harassment suits filed by two female former employees, and Santa Barbara County children's services is investigating why Peters' minor children have not been in school for the past two years. The National Bestseller, Hit & Run: How Jon Peters and Peter Guber Took Sony for A Ride In Hollywood by Nancy Griffin and Kim Masters describes Peters as one of Hollywood's most repugnant figures and chronicles the ultimate Hollywood con job.

Peters may have finally met his match in Quintana. The East LA native-turned-ivy leaguer has dealt with his share of billionaires, politicos, and Hollywood heavies. His widely publicized restraining order against Paris Hilton was considered the beginning of her demise. Quintana is represented by California labor law specialists Douglas N. Silverstein and Alexandrand M. Steinberg. "This case will be tried in the Courtroom, not the media," stated Silverstein. Peters' lawyer Stephen Kolodny did not return calls.

Jon Peters Legal Woes FYI

Producer Jon Peters: 'Do You Want To See How Boys Go Pee?' - Radar Online

Assistants to Jon Peters: Sue You! - TMZ


Jon Peters Hit With Multiple Maid-Fluffing Lawsuits - Defamer

Profile of Roger Birnbaum - Luke Ford

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