Friday, December 12, 2008

Christmas Cancelled for Los Angles Times Employees

David Martinez and Monica Hayes-Pleasent at 2007 Xmas Party

2006 was the last year the Los Angeles Times sponsored a Christmas party at the Olympic Facility, which prompted our own pressman David Martinez to organize and host an employee sponsored Christmas party last year.

The employees in Operations understand too well the reason’s the company needed to trim costs, and volunteered with donations of money and food to throw their own party. Assuming we would be allowed to give ourselves another Christmas party this year, David began collecting money from his colleagues, but with the turn of events at the Times Olympic Facility since Monday, the party was shuttered.

Many employees fearing reprisals from the pressroom manager at Olympic said they would not be attending the party, especially if the pressroom manager was present.

If you have donated cash for the shuttered Christmas party, your money will be returned when David returns from vacation.


  1. Dr Seuss should sue for copyright infringement! Sad testimony of what one man can do. Do not allow him to crush your christmas spirit!

    Come join us In Orange County on December 19th and we can celebrate together. If you want to come or are going to be in the area bring something to share. Contact Tammy in O.C. platemaking for more information.

    Where are the ghosts of Christmas when you need them?

  2. Ronnie,

    Such a nice gesture, especially at a time of year when the message is Peace on Earth. Would love to meet the men and women of Orange County, and visit a production facility where the employees are not viewed as the enemy.

    If the time frame works for myself, you will see me at your plant next Friday.

  3. Come One , Come All, The more the merrier! We are in complete solidarity with all of you in L.A. and will stand by all of you to see to it that the hostile environment all of you are subjected to ceases.
    That will be a gift we will all benefit from.

    Even the Grinch's heart grew 4 times larger.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.


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