Monday, December 01, 2008

Save Our Trade: Advance Copy of Contract

By Ronnie Pineda

I hope everyone had a memorable Thanksgiving. Christmas will be here before we know it! Some of you are aware that I have been absent from the shop due to a shoulder injury. My inability to use my left arm and the Holiday weekend took me out of action briefly, but not completely. After reading your many e-mails and taking your phone calls, I have forwarded the bargaining unit's request for advance copies of the contract to our Representative Sonny Shannon and asked for a digital copy to post online.

Sonny has agreed and said that advance copies can be, and will be made available as early as Saturday December, 6,2008. Sonny apologizes and said he will explain why they could not be made available any sooner and asks that everyone please be patient. He also said that this is how he normally conducts the ratification process and does not want anyone to jump to any conclusions.

The negotiation committee asks for your understanding as well, numerous sacrafices were made to get to this point and the committee has always had, and will continue to have, the bargaining unit's interests in mind throughout this process. We also ask for your patience, everyone will have access to a copy of the contract prior to the meeting.

Save Our Trade: Advance Copy of Contract


  1. "TRUST US"..... but we can't let you see "YOUR" contract right now and we will let you know why on the sixth. What are you guys afraid of?

    You guys are a piece of work!!!!

  2. Afraid of? We have nothing to be afraid of. We are doing nothing wrong. As usual Old OC, you attempt to stir the pot, and as usual you're not alone.

    I know for a fact that not many in our shops have ever laid their eyes on a collective bargaining agreement(you probably never)and we want to avoid confusion that definitely will occur due to mis-comprehension and interpretation of the language.

    According to Sonny and Mike, it happens all the time, and who would know this better than them?

    As I said before, the language in collective bargaining agreements vary from contract to contract and the committee and our representative would prefer to explain to everyone precisely what we agreed to at the meeting.

    See you at the meeting Monday, that is if you are even a pressroom employee, which I still doubt.

  3. You said....

    "I know for a fact that not many in our shops have ever laid their eyes on a collective bargaining agreement(you probably never)and we want to avoid confusion that definitely will occur due to mis-comprehension and interpretation of the language."

    Sounds to me like you want to put your own spin on it!!!

    Don't sell our "brothers" short, they are very sharp and I'm sure they can "comprehend and interpret" the language quite well... thank you!

    They don't need you/union looking over their shoulder while they study it!!!

    They should be able to discuss it, in the privacy of their own homes with their families, before they vote! After all this is all about what's best for their families and NOT how "hard you worked" and what you/union think is best for them!!!!!

  4. Larry, I said copies will be made available to pressroom employees in advance, what more do you want? By the way, why do you act like this concerns you to begin with?
    You still ignore my question as to whether or not you work in the pressroom, so I can only conclude that you don't.

    Larry, this was not my decision and it was not made to enable us to put a spin on it. The spin doctors were on the other side of the table where you should have had a seat.

    Once again Larry, you take my comments and put your spin on them to suit your position. This is not the first time you have done this, and you aren't the only person who does do this. But we know you won't put your own spin on the contract language once you see it, right, yeah right.

    I have never given the impression that "I" know what's best for anyone, so I consider that comment your spin on me. Wrong again.

    Safe and FAIR, thats all that I want for me and my family, don't you want the same for yours? If so, LARRY, what have you done to insure these things for your family?

    I should transfer back to the mailroom and help you organize, all you have to do is ask, spin that.

    P.S. answer my question or don't expect anymore of my time responding to your opinions.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.