Thursday, December 11, 2008

Save Our Trade: Answers to California Lunch and Rest Breaks

By Ronnie Pineda

There have been many questions surrounding the lunch and rest breaks and what the actual law is. I had no idea we would have to delve into this because we were never given any indication that Management had any intention in changing how we took our lunches, minus the lenght of time. Considering the fact that they chose to follow the letter of the law, which they should, this article illustrates what they must abide by or pay the penaltys as prescribed in Labor Code section 226.7


Any one who fails to receive their lunch or rest breaks should notify supervision, also document the event and forward it to any of the committee members until we elect our permanent shop stewards to insure the penalty of 1 hour of straight time wages is paid those missing their breaks.

Complete article can be accessed by clicking link below.

Save Our Trade: Answers to California Lunch and Rest Breaks

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