Friday, December 12, 2008

Save Our Trade: Labor,Management Forum Held Yesterday

By Ronnie Pineda

Keith Denson and myself met with Russ Newton yesterday to discuss the changes that are being implemented and the way they are being implemented. I received so many phone calls yesterday with complaints of missed breaks, not being able to go to the bathroom, and that no one was allowed to sit down in L.A. for the whole shift. That is punishment and harassment in our eyes and will not be tolerated. Days off in leiu of holidays were being cancelled and the list went on. I had to charge my phone twice yesterday, and it's brand new!

We anticipate answers on these issues today as I expect Russ will discover, we were correct in the interpretation of the law pertaining to to missed lunch and rest periods, All the while the penalties will continue to add up. Several of the other issues in our eyes are valid grievances and we will persue that course of action if necessary. We will not allow ourselves to be punished for exercising our rights to representation and are more than willing to work with management to achieve the goals set for our shop. Russ feels that certain individuals are not accepting this change and are not performing. I assured him that based on conversations I've had with quite a few of our brothers and sisters, there is no problem with us working, that's our job, the manner in which we are being treated is the concern. Production stats showed a decline since Monday and this decline has nothing to do with how we perform but rather the ill prepared transition plans that did not take into account the effect these changes would have on our production routines. We will not accept responsibility for any declines in production as a result of these changes. Answers from our meeting to follow.

The previous post regarding penalties owed to employees when a lunch or rest period is missed was discussed and was supported by the Industrial Labor Posters hanging all over the building. It confirms that the company owes each employee the equivilent of 1 hour straight time pay for missed rest periods. I informed Russ that they already owe alot of presspersons for missed breaks and it will continue to grow if this matter is not corrected immediately. Jay Scott was phoned for clarification and is expected to reply to Russ. Keith, myself and Russ all read the same poster at the same time and I invite all of you to do the same. Forward your names, date and time you missed a break and we will make every effort to recover the penalties owed to each and every pressperson.

Brother Ronnie

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