Monday, December 08, 2008

street-hassle: LA Times/Trib pageviews their way to bankruptcy

By Joseph Mailander

And the best-laid schemes o' mice an' men gang aft agley.

As creditors queue up for court-approved payment, the filing means that The Tribune Co. will likely now be forced to sell off assets. Zell blames "a perfect storm" of everything but Zell.

It has long been the contention of street-hassle that the Times problems started with the feuds of petty and vindictive news editors in the late 1990s, who used the Times as a spitstone to sharpen grudges that the public didn't care about, rather than as a true journalistic battering ram.

Continue reading entire article by clicking on link below.

street-hassle: LA Times/Trib pageviews their way to bankruptcy

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