Monday, January 05, 2009

The Los Angeles Press Club Elects New Board Members


Monday, January 5, 2009

For Immediate Release

Contact – Edward Headington , Publicist

(323) 669-8081 or

Los Angeles, CA. The Board of Directors for the Los Angeles Press Club (LAPC) is comprised of 14 Board Members that serve two-year terms. Every year, half of the seats are up for election and this year brought in some new and old faces. Day-to-day operations are still run by working international journalist and LAPC Executive Director, Diana Ljungaeus, and USA reporter, Chris Woodyard is the President of its Board of Directors.

“At a time when top-quality journalists are becoming a rarer breed, the Press club is blazing into 2009 with one of the strongest and most qualified boards yet,” said Chris Woodyard, Press Club President. “Appreciation goes out to all of the members who voted and special thanks to outgoing Board members, Michael Collins and Jahan Hassan, for their service to the organization.”

Current board members Ezra Palmer, Anthea Raymond, Jon Regardie, George White and Adam Wilkenfeld were voted in for new two-year terms. Diana Ljungaeus was also elected as was as Carolina Garcia, Executive Editor of the Los Angeles Daily News. Others still serving on the Board but not up for election included Jon Beaupre, Jane Engle, Rory Johnston, Will Lewis, Fred Mamoun, Jill Stewart and Chris Woodyard.

The Los Angeles Press Club stands as an organization devoted to improving the spirit of journalism and journalists, raising the industry’s standards, strengthening its integrity and improving its reputation all for the benefit of the community at large. It is the only Southern California journalism group that speaks for all journalists working for daily and weekly newspapers, radio & TV, magazines, documentary films and online. For more information, go to and/or

PR Newswire, co-sponsor for all Los Angeles Press Club events, is the global leader in news and information distribution services for professional communicators. For more information, go to

Headington Media Group is a boutique communications firm dedicated to promoting public affairs in Southern California , specializing in image management, branding and public relations. For more information, go to and/or visit

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