Monday, January 19, 2009

People Get Ready...

People get ready, there's a train coming. You don't need no just get on board!

I am proud. I am excited. I love America and all it stands for. It is a pleasure to see a part of Dr. MLK's dream come to fruition. This is not only a proud moment for me, but for the better part of the world.

God bless Barack Obama! His charisma, his dedication is beyond compare. He is addressing the climate of this country. He is the Moses of our time and we should all embrace the promise that he gives us as a nation.

We cannot change our Nation's situation in one moment, but we can certainly change the way we view our lives and the way we look upon our DREAMS as something that's attainable.

I petition ALL of you. Black, white, asian, native american, hispanic, muslim, male, female, gay, straight, etc. Let us come together as a nation and re-establish our reputation as the most POWERFUL nation in the world. Let us ALL take advantage of our God-given right to the freedoms that we are so fortunate to have.

Today, let us welcome our 44th President of the United States and recognize the HOPE that springs eternal from his works.

God bless you and may God Bless America!

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