Monday, January 19, 2009

Save Our Trade: What Are Dues Used For?

By Ronnie Pineda

Union dues

Dues pay for services. Members decide on the level of dues they will charge themselves to pay for their union services. After the employees in your company vote to be represented by the Graphic Communications Conference of the International Brotherhood of Teamsters, you have a voice in what your dues will be.

These are but a few of the services that your union dues provide for you on the local and International and Conference levels:
1. Handling by the local union of all grievances, conducting collective bargaining with your company, and coordinating the work of the local stewards and local officers.
2. Training of stewards and local officers.
3. Training in safety and health.
4. Assistance in dealing with health and safety problems on the job.
5. Legal counsel to help win ironclad guarantees in your union contract and to represent you in back pay lawsuits and other legal actions.
6.The use of data developed by the GCC/IBT's Contracts and Research Department, including pay scales, contract language, and job descriptions from GCC/IBT contracts throughout the country.
7. Assistance with strategic campaigns for organizing and bargaining.
8. Publications to keep the members informed on union activities. All members receive the Graphic Communicator, the GCC/IBT's official publication.
9. Salaries of secretaries, officers, and staff.
10. Representation in Washington, D.C., Ottawa and in state and provincial legislatures on issues that affect your wages, job security, and working conditions.

(Source: GCC/IBT website)

For the record, During Organizing, it was stated that we would pay 2 hours wages per month in Union Dues. We will be scheduling meetings very, very soon to discuss our dues.

Save Our Trade: What Are Dues Used For?

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