Sunday, February 15, 2009

Dues Check-Off at the Los Angeles Times

The union negotiators, representing the pressroom workers at the Los Angeles Times two production facilities, requested during negotiations that the frequency of withdrawing dues from union members pay checks at twice per month, which the company would not agree to. Instead of wasting time and delaying the signing of the first contract the negotiators agreed to a withdrawal of dues once per month, with the second pay period per month as the agreed upon frequency. The Los Angeles Times has broken this agreement with dues taken from paychecks last Friday the 13th, the first pay period of February.

The union will be blamed for this error as this is the standard operating procedure at the newspaper.

Below is the message from Linard Williams to Russ Newton:

February 2, 2009

Mr. Russ Newton
Los Angeles Times
Los Angeles, CA 90017

RE: Dues Check-Off Authorization Form – List of Unpaid Dues

Dear Russ:

Please accept this as a formal request for me to receive a monthly list from you showing which union workers have not paid their required monthly dues of $60 (monthly deduction). This list is needed as soon as practicable, and after the first month of dues have been collected from the union workers (starting last pay
period in February). ( February 27, 2009)……..

As the Secretary of Treasurer of the Local 140-N Union, this information is needed in order for me to keep accurate financial records.

Your anticipated cooperation is greatly appreciated regarding this matter. Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding my request.


Linard Williams
Secretary of Treasurer

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