Monday, February 23, 2009

Los Angeles Times STILL Anti-Union

The leaflet below was distributed to the public as the Pressroom Employees of the Los Angeles Times Rallied at Times Mirror Square this morning, to gain attention to the anti-union tactics taking place behind closed doors.




The Men and Women that have, with great pride, dedication and loyalty, printed the Los Angeles Times for decades, wish to inform you that on January 6, 2007 we voted to be represented by The Graphic Communications Conference of The International Brotherhood of Teamsters. Our election results were certified by the National Labor Relations Board on June 11, 2007 and negotiations with the company began on November 1, 2007. A collective bargaining agreement was ratified on December 8, 2008, the same day Sam Zell and Tribune filed for bankruptcy, Coincidence? The Senior Vice President of Operations Russ Newton and pressroom Superintendant Johnny Walker immediately began a campaign of retaliation against our shop’s employees for exercising our Federally Protected Rights to organize our pressrooms by:

  • Targeting supporters of the Union for discipline and termination.
  • Not obeying state laws regarding meal and rest period breaks.
  • Wrongfully accusing employees of intentionally slowing down and disciplining innocent employees.
  • Creating a hostile and unsafe work environment by instructing supervision to discipline employees regardless of the facts.
  • Violating our Weingarten Rights by not allowing employees representation when being disciplined by supervision.
  • Excessive staffing reduction of 63 pressroom employees on or about April 6, 2009

These are but a few examples of how the Los Angeles Times have continued its anti-union behavior.

Labor is not part of the problem, it is part of the solution,” President Barack Obama said when discussing the current economy and his goal of leveling the playing field for all working class Americans. In spite of the President’s position on Organized Labor, Management at the Times continues to hold dear the anti-union philosophy of the late General Harrison Otis Gray, Patriarch of the Los Angeles Times as if he were here today. Management instructs supervision to blame the union for all of our woes in hopes of crippling our fledgling Local before it can establish itself. Management continues to employ tactics that are historically used to divide and conquer.

Fairness and Equality are not luxuries in the work place but rather the law. Our Newly formed Local 140-N has filed charges with the N.L.R.B. in response to management’s retaliation and we hope to have resolution soon. Until that time we ask you to support our efforts and contact the Los Angeles Times Publisher, Eddy Hartenstein at 1-800-LA TIMES and demand that he investigate the actions SVP of Operations Russ Newton and L.A. Pressroom Superintendant Johnny Walker for their union busting tactics! We would also have you ask that they obey the law and the rights of their employees.

In Solidarity.

Members of GCC/IBT Local 140-N

Disclaimer: This leaflet is for informational purposes only and is not asking for the cancellation of subscriptions or a boycott of the Los Angeles Times. Our purpose is to bring awareness to the Anti-Union; treatment pressroom employees are being subjected to by L.A. Times Management and Supervision. Fairness and Equality are the reasons we organized with the GCC/IBT

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