Wednesday, February 04, 2009

Operations Waiting for a Number?

Negotiations between the Los Angeles Times and the Pressmen’s Union began at noon today, with the only word emanating from the meeting “The numbers are ugly”. The member of the negotiating team was not at liberty to share any details, but said the number of employees affected will be revealed later this afternoon.

Needless to say the anxiety level among Operations employees at the Los Angeles Times is high at this very moment as everyone braces for deep cuts.

We will keep everyone updated as news filters in.

UPDATE 2:30 P.M. : 63 Pressmen to be laid off between the Los Angeles Times Olympic Facility and the Orange County production Facility. No details on severance packages at this time. The Los Angeles Times employs 244 presspersons at both facilities.

1 comment:

  1. This is a sad day at the pressrooms of the LA Times. If we get the severance package that our non union coworkers get it will be one week per year and that is unlikely to entice anyone to leave voluntarily. A sad day indeed.


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