Friday, February 13, 2009

R.I.P. Gerald Hebert

I’m saddened to report the passing of Gerald Hebert, electro-tech at the Los Angeles Times Orange County Production Facility. I did not know Gerald personally, but from what his colleagues have shared he was a very likeable man.

Gerald had been off work while fighting against pancreatic cancer, and returned to the newspaper but two weeks ago, looking very weakened from the treatments. He was discovered expired by his brother after failing to show up for work.

One of Gerald’s colleagues wrote this:
"I liked Gerald. He was a fun guy to be around. He and I got along well especially after I modified all the CCR boxes on the OC presses with hinges on the long side. He maintained them, so the modification made his life easier".

"I'm pretty bummed out about Mike and Gerald. They were too young -- and their deaths make me feel more vulnerable. Isn't it terrible to go from invincible to vulnerable?".

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