Monday, February 02, 2009

Rumor Control at the Los Angeles Times

Unfortunately the rumors at the Los Angeles Times come true way too often, as you can see for yourself via the message below. This is a message from the pressroom manager at the Times Olympic Facility from June 8, 2008 explaining that the swing shift and night shift will not be merged into one shift.

From: Walker, John
Sent: Sunday, June 08, 2008 9:44 PM
Subject: Rumors


Answers to the questions below:

Are we going to start running 1st and 2nd Daily together on Sunday and Monday nights.

I’m not aware of any decision to do this. It would make sense to combine product where we can to open opportunities to possibly print new products (Others Newspapers etc.)

Are we going to be laying off 150 people at the end of June 08.

Again sorry I can’t be of more help here. I’m not aware of any such layoffs.However it’s important to realize we need to do everything within our power to improve the company’s position to keep present customers by putting out a quality product on time each run. It’s equally important to get our speeds up to allow us to bring in new business that may require the same or a similar printing schedule to ours. Let’s be working with everyone to make this happen. Let me know if you need my help in any way.

John Walker
Olympic Pressroom Manager
Los Angeles Times

If you're in need of a little laughter therapy click here to read the comments from this message.

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