Friday, March 20, 2009

135 Years of Service with no Severance

Joe Gordon, Larry Franco, Richard Armenta, and Keith Reh
Hi Ed, Ronnie

I've attached a picture for the blog taken in OC on our next to last day of work Sunday March 2nd just prior to all of us getting our phone calls not to bother to come back to work,all being kicked out in April.

All very honorable hard working family men who have given 135 years of service.

From left to right ..Joe Gordon started in 1972..37 yrs,next Larry Franco..'74 with 35yrs, Richard Armenta..'76 with 33 years.. and myself Keith Reh '79.. 30 yrs.

1972..Nixon was president, minimum wage was $1.60,and the Lakers were champs.

I would like to follow with a picture and my final words and thoughts if I may in a couple days.

Thank you Keith Reh

1 comment:

  1. Its men like that, that have taught men like myself the true meaning of being a man. Hard work and Family dedication. Its sad that this good men,who have dedicated their lives are been tossed out. They are truly the manificent four.


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