Thursday, March 05, 2009

63 Pressroom Employees No Longer Needed

The pressroom employees that were notified last month of their departure in April were let go on Tuesday and Wednesday this week. Some were given the news while at work while others received the news via a telephone call, here’s a message from another former Los Angeles Times Pressroom Employee, Greg Artis:
"Here's one for the blog. Just got my phone call from Walker telling me my services are no longer needed. It was good working with you".
Rumors of further layoffs in Operations have already begun to grow, especially with the Orange County Register printing the LANG products instead of the Los Angeles Times. With no new newspapers to produce this rumor may become a reality this summer.

1 comment:

  1. Everyone need to stop blaming the union for what the company is doing to you the union is made up of employees and they are only as strong as you are, so you need to come together and stop being scared of the the company because you do have rights, they will only try to bully you if they see that you are weak so stand tall and strong in other words man up. They are tring to discourage you from supporting the union because they know that the next contract that you sign will be in your favor you will be back in control of "YOUR PRESS ROOM" because without the pressman there is no l.a. times. This is not the company we started working for 20 & 30 years ago this is no longer the chatmans running a family like buisness, this is agreedy bloodsucking vermin whith his flunkies, to scared to stand up for what they really believe, such as Greg Malcolm, Russ Newton & John Walker. Don't you be one of is flunkies be a man or woman and stand up to this bully, grow a pair unlike these guys. He says we are partners, but he has been M.I.A. since 300 partners have been cut out of the deal, and by not sharing any of the profits with the real workers, i wonder what are his real motives, he has already lost most of our 401k, how much more are you willing to lose, for some they will stand to lose much more because of the child-like feud they have with the union workers, grow-up and get you heads on straight, we have given half of our lifes to this company for them to say you don,t get anything when you go is total disrespect for us and the craft, but they are doing this to intimidate the union workers, because without these sleazy tactics they have nothing else. We have been exposed to so many hazardous things thru-out our time at this company such as washing blanket(unnatural movment in shoulder), poor ventilation(The Koffin Room & Press Room)downtown & Oly., blue dye,diesel fuel,asbestos,oily floors,lound noises. I will have my health checked out for all of the problems that may have caused me over my 20 years of service, you should do the same, you must now look after yourself. I wish all of you the best of luck and good health. Its been good knowing you, peace out and keep it hood!!!!!! Kevin Anderson


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