Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Financial Planning for LA Times People

1993 retiree Clara Benesch sent this over to aid her former colleagues at the newspaper, and I thought this very kind of her to remember everyone with her kind jesture.

Hi, Ed:

I'm a retired employee of The Times (Marketing Research). I read your Pressman's 20 Year Club regularly and the thought occurred to me that you might be interested in passing on the name of my financial planner to people who need help in planning their financial future. With conditions the way they are at The Times, I would think this might be a good idea!

Mitchell Kauffman
Certified Financial Planner
140 S. Lake Ave., Suite 217
Pasadena 91101

550 Periwinkle Lane
Santa Barbara 93108

And perhaps people would be interested in the one-night classes he teaches, along with Joanne Moran, a clinical psychologist. They are through Pasadena City College and are given at San Marino High School. Cost is $29 each. 6:30pm-8:30pm.

April 30 - 5 Strategies for Surviving the Economic Downturn
May 7 - When Can You Afford to Retire
May 14 - How Can Your Savings Last Through Retirement?

Hat Tip to Ms. Clara Benesch

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing this useful information.Financial Planners are useful to understand your plan about money to withstand the elements after retirement.
    Financial Planners Los Angeles


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