Sunday, March 15, 2009

R.I.P. Stevie Hara Los Angeles Times Operations

Sad news from the Los Angeles Times Orange County Production Facility, Stevie Hara passed away Friday night. Stevie started off as a facilities guy, moved up to the central plant, and then to the OC electric shop.

According to an Orange County colleague: "A machinist friend of mine called to tell me that Stevie Hara died last night. I'm really thunderstruck by the news. He was a friend of mine.

I spoke to Stevie's mother, and she stated that Steve died after falling into a diabetic coma. He had been snowboarding all day locally and probably had not eaten properly. Later, after leaving the slopes, paramedics were called by his friends when they found him unconscious and breathing erratically at his condo in Running Springs. Unfortunately, none of his companions or the paramedics knew that he was diabetic. He was 49."

This photo of Stevie and Ed McLaughlin was taken in 2007 after they installed a new backflow valve at an OC MAO.


  1. How sad. Condolences to all.

  2. Very unfortunate. My condolences as well.


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