Tuesday, April 07, 2009

The Blogging Pressman is Back.....

After having several procedures completed at the dentists office over the past few weeks I developed a gum infection twelve days ago that caused severe discomfort, and made me think of everything but computers. Eating became a ritual I avoided due to the extreme pain experienced while attempting to nourish my body, and my self-healing regiment of gargling with warm salt water several times per day was doing nothing to improve my situation.

Not looking forward to another weekend of excruciating pain I broke down and called the dentists office for an emergency visit last Friday, which turned out to be a great idea. The dentist felt the infection was brought on by all the procedures done in short succession and said it was most likely trauma to my gum tissue.

Needless to say the dentist prescribed amoxicillin and an oral rinse, which have cleared up the infection, and allowed me to have my first cup of coffee in almost a week this morning.

To answer all your emails as to where I have been or why I have not had much to say, I’m back as of today and will treat you to some interesting news regarding the Los Angeles Times, so stay tuned.

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