Monday, April 13, 2009

David Sarno joins Business desk as technology reporter

Here is the memo sent to staff from John Corrigan, LAT Business editor:

I’m very pleased to report that David Sarno is joining the Business staff as a technology reporter.

No doubt you’ve seen David’s fine work on the ever-popular tech blog and on the Calendar cover, where he wrote the weekly Web Scout column. David will continue to be one of the mainstay contributors to the tech blog, but he’ll also aim to tell longer stories that will be of wide appeal in print as well.

Among the subjects he'll mine for news and features are the L.A. tech scene, Internet privacy and security, Twitter and the technologies that bind and divide old- and new-media companies.

David grew up surfing the waves off Hermosa Beach and has an eclectic resume, serving as associate editor with the Huffington Post, a writing intern on The Tonight Show with Jay Leno and an engineering intern at Sun Microsystems.

David, who has a B.A. in computer science from Yale, and a master’s in fiction writing from the University of Iowa, will report to technology editor Chris Gaither. Please join me in giving him a warm welcome to Biz.

h/t Kevin Roderick

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