Friday, April 24, 2009

Message from Mike Huggins GCC/IBT Rep

Dear Brothers and Sisters,

As most of you know, there has been a petition filed by a disgruntled employee who has continuously lied to his co-workers in order to get his way. This petition is nothing more than a way to keep the workers divided and for this person to show his ignorance to all.

The purpose of the petition is to remove the union security clause from the union contract and allow him the right to be represented by the union without paying union dues. We are sure that this person has also created the rumors about your local officers receiving job offers, cars and other extravagant perks.

There have been a lot of disagreements between the union and the company since the ratification of this new first time contract and to have a disgruntled worker create division amongst the workers when our union reps are trying to resolve these disagreements is selfish, all about him, and makes him a free rider who wants something for nothing.

We feel that the person who filed this petition with the National Labor Relations Board misled his co-workers and illegally obtained signatures in order get his way. If anyone feels they were lied to or misled, they can contact the NLRB and ask that their signature be removed or create your own petition to have your name removed and file it with the NLRB claiming you were misled and lied to.

If this petition moves forward to an election date, it will be the responsibility of our union to defend our members right to keep intact the union contract that was negotiated and ratified by a large majority of our members. This will cost more of your dues and ultimately divide us when we should be uniting.

During these troubling times newspapers are facing, we should spend our energy on creating a working relationship with our employer and provide the best skilled labor possible to put out what is still the finest newspaper in the world, the Los Angeles Times. Our jobs depend on a working together and making this newspaper profitable.

Don’t let this person, who is only thinking of himself; wipe out all the hard work that you have put into in gaining a voice in your wages, hours and working conditions. As quoted by the majority of you at the ratification meeting “It may not be the best union contract but it’s a start”
Keep the faith.

Mike Huggins
Conference Representative

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