Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Save Our Trade: Rumor Control

By Ronnie Pineda

I have been asked to respond to some of the current rumors floating around in the shops. The first thing I want to say is, I am only doing this because I was asked to and not because I need to defend myself from the same rumor mongers that have perpetuated the lies against me time and time again.

First fact is, I have not been hired by the Teamsters nor have I been offered a job by them.
If I had a buck for every time that was said or assumed, I could have retired long ago.

Second fact, I am NOT drawing a salary from Local 140-N nor the Teamsters. I am still on disability as a result of the shoulder injury I suffered in November 2008. I know there were some of you that thought I was milking it on light duty while working in the office. A recent MRI revealed a tear in my rotator cuff and I will be undergoing surgery soon to repair my shoulder. We all know who takes advantage of light duty, and I was not one of them. Don't forget I returned to the press in less than 7 months after a full knee replacement. I doubt my critics would have returned as quickly.

The Constitution does allow for officers to receive a salary, but as I stated to the Constitution and By-Laws Committee, It makes no sense for me to accept a salary from our Local when on disability because my disability benefits would be reduced by the same amount. So, I am forgoing any salary the Constitution authorizes me to receive at this time. For the record, a salary has not even been established by the Executive Board. None of the officers are receiving a salary at this time as all of our resources are committed to Attorney expenses attempting to resolve our conflicts with management. None of the shop stewards or officers are having their dues paid by the Local at this time either.

Next, there is nothing in the constitution that states I or any of the officers will receive a car. The Local does not require it's officers to need a business vehicle. We on the E-Board have agreed that our own vehicles will suffice. There are provisions for fuel and/or mileage reimbursement for officers travels in the course of their duties.

The Constitution does provides for a "per diem" of $100.00 dollars a day for Officer's meals and beverages when attending International Conferences representing the members of Local 140-N. Any unused portion will be returned to the Local's Secretary Treasurer.

I hope this puts to rest the B.S. that has been floating around lately because it only serves to divide our members. My reputation and integrity are just as important to me today as it was my last day I set foot on the pressroom floor.

Any questions regarding the Constitution and Bylaws can be answered by the committee members and they are Chairman, Keith Denson, Mark Austin, Denise Kolm, Gary Bunch and Dan Beruman.

Save Our Trade: Rumor Control


  1. Is this rumor control or damage control?? $100 per diem where do you people eat, at Mortons?? So what you are saying is you would be getting a salary once you are off the company tit.

  2. Does anyone remember Nixon's
    "I am not a crook" speech?
    It's sad that it has come to this. Ronnie, all you have is your word, and when that is being questioned it's time to exit stage left.


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