Monday, May 25, 2009

Los Angeles Marathon

Running and completing a marathon is a feat all unto itself, yet many thousands were up early this morning to run in the twenty fourth running of the Los Angeles Marathon today.

Pictured at the left is Adam Banuelos after completing the L.A. Marathon in 4 hours 27 minutes and 57 seconds. Adam is the son of Los Angeles Times Pressman Victor Banuelos.

I called Linda Olmeda regarding Pressman Richard Olmeda's progress in the run but we played phone tag and missed one anothers calls. Richard called afterwards and shared that he hit the wall, and finishing the run was a most difficult task this year. As you recall Richard has run every Los Angeles Marathon since inception. Richard did complete the run in seven hours and thirty minutes and is most likely soaking in a hot tub of Epsom Salts at this moment.

Congratulations go out to Richard and Adam for completing the run this morning.

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