Friday, May 29, 2009

Sam Zell on Twitter

Everyone is getting on the Twitter band wagon, including Tribune Company CEO Sam Zell. Not really certain this is Sam's account, but what the hell, we can have a little fun pretending.

Ronnie Pineda President of GCC/IBT Local 140-N is pictured with Sam Zell at the right.

Below are random samples of the tweets from Sam Zell, you be the judge, is this really Sam?

  • Everybody says we ain't gonna make it.
  • I've been all around the country and all I keep discovering is new bullshit.
  • Everybody thinks the Internet is such hot shit.
  • I'm not a newspaper guy. I'm a businessman.So therefore all that matters in the end is the bottom line.
  • I have a lot of experience running and managing highly leveraged institutions. And I don't think this is any different.
  • I didn't get where I got today by losing.
  • Am I being too subtle? I mean I can talk slower if you want.
  • If you all lose your jobs, I’ll still be a billionaire.
  • ... The challenge is how do we get somebody 126 years old to get it up? Well, I’m your Viagra, OK?
  • I promise you I did not come here to be the captain of the Titanic.
  • I repeat: I do not believe that anybody can grow a business by reducing the number of employees.

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