Monday, June 01, 2009

Mike Carlson on the Los Angeles Times

David Laventhol 1989-1994
Richard Schlosberg III 1994-1997
Mark H. Willes 1997-1999
Kathryn M. Downing 1999-2000
John P. Puerner 2000-2005
Jeffrey M. Johnson 2005-2006
David D. Hiller 2006-2008
Eddy W. Hartenstein 2008-

1990- #1 daily metropolitan newspaper in the country.
1,225,189 daily 1,514,096 Sunday

1992- The Times embraces the homosexual lifestyle.

1/1994-1,138,353 daily 1,521,197 Sunday
3/2002- 985,798 daily 1,394,544 Sunday
9/2003- 955,211 daily 1,379,258 Sunday
3/2004- 983,727 daily 1,392,672 Sunday*
9/2004- 902,164 daily 1,292,274 Sunday
9/2005- 869,819 daily 1,247,569 Sunday
9/2006- 775,766 daily 1,172,005 Sunday
3/2007- 815,723 daily 1,173,096 Sunday**
3/2008- 773,884 daily 1,101,981 Sunday
9/2008- 739,147 daily 1,055,076 Sunday

*Tribune circulation scandal
Some of Tribune’s newspapers were found guilty of padding their circulation numbers and an audit was going to be taken on other newspapers. As you can see, the Los Angeles Times’ circulation dropped dramatically after that. We were told that “freebie’s” would no longer count as circulation.

**Times manipulating circulation numbers again
The Times is counting “freebies” again, this time with a twist. Paid customers who have partial subscriptions for the week are receiving “freebies” on other days.

I still believe that The Times can grow their circulation if they produce a product that people want. The Times has lost their credibility over the years and they must restore it to grow. The Times should get back to simply reporting the news and then in their Editorial Section, put a well informed opinion of each side of an issue.

The Times needs to address these issues which has caused a huge decline in their circulation.

1. “Gay journalism” and the relentless pushing of the lifestyle on their readers.
2. “Slanted reporting” that is so far to the left and the “bashing” of those whose political views are different.
3. “Incompetency,” constantly getting stories and information wrong.
4. “Discredited poll numbers” that have been manipulated to favor a Times supported candidate or issue.

Mike Carlson <--Click here to contact Mike


  1. If the Times' content and liberal bias were alienating so many readers, then why is the website traffic skyrocketing with almost 150 million hits per month? The website's 10 million unique visitors far outnumber the newspaper subscription, so the content is obviously not the problem. Could it be that most people under 50 don't need a hard copy newspaper, magazine, or hardcover book anymore?

  2. Anonymous4:25 PM

    yea right msanders get a grip the whole internet thing is not working out like they thought your just another one of these people who thinks the newspaper is going away with the internet i have a black berry and all the tech stuff and i still like the papaer whens the last time you took a lap top int the bathroomm or for a walk in the park. tv didnt get rid of radio.. the times neeeds to guit printing gay content and start printing local news like the surfing communitty and intresting stuff the paper as it is is only pushing the gay agenda and were sick of it! dan pressroom

  3. Why argue with the simple-minded? But, you've got to love that argument: The LAT supports the homosexual lifestyle therefore it has suffered the wrath of God. God has come down against the LAT and ruined its business.

    I should admire the guy for standing up for his beliefs, but I don't. It's just another case of bigotry and intolerance and anti-Christian hatred toward other human beings.

    So, he stated the case against homosexuality, now what is the answer? Make being gay illegal? Is there a final solution to the "queer problem"? Re-education? Concentration? Death? What horrible persecutions should we unleash against homosexuals in our society? Then who else should we persecute? Minority races? Members of minority political parties?

    The problem here is that he has learned nothing from history. He only deals only in cheap and petty hatreds against people who are different, and those reasons alone are the chief causes of much of the misery and inhumanity that has plagued our species for thousands of years.

    There are too many bigots and simple-minded idiots in our world. Maybe it's time that we did something about them...

  4. Anonymous5:41 PM

    well just report the news we dont care about what 2 guys are doing in some sweaty club in hollywood you just dont get it what people do in there personal life is there bussiness but just leave it out of the paper

  5. I take my Kindle in the bathroom all of the time (I also pay $9 per month for the LA Times Kindle subscription) and I read the news on my Blackberry when I take my dog for a walk in the park. Best of all, I don't have to worry about throwing away a ton of newsprint every week. You should ask the people in Seattle if the world is still turning now that their only newspaper has stopped printing.

  6. Anonymous4:34 AM

    ok kindles suck they have no color content its all text its people like you who for what ever reason want to put a negetive vibe on the newspaper have fun with your over sized kindle i woudnt be caught dead carrying one of those things newspapers arent going away just cause you internet geeks dont like them get over it .

  7. Come on Ed, add a spell check feature!


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.