Friday, July 24, 2009

Tribune Company Bonuses to Managers

Tribune Company CEO Randy Michaels and CAO Gerry Spector sent a memo out on Wednesday July 22, 2009 regarding the motions filed with the bankruptcy court regarding bonuses to 700 managers. The payouts will be between $21.5 million to $66.7 million, with 9 of the top 10 executives dividing $3.1 million among themselves.

Expecting some type of descent from the working class at Tribune properties across the country, their memo explains the need for bonuses, for us simple-minded folks to understand. As usual I could not locate anyone from my department that was allowed access to their message, so here it is.

From: Tribune Communications
Sent: Wed Jul 22 13:56:02 2009
Subject: Message from Randy Michaels & Gerry Spector/Motion Filed Today

Today we filed a motion asking the United States Bankruptcy Court in Delaware to approve the implementation of a comprehensive performance-based incentive plan for 2009 for key employees across the company. This plan has been reviewed and approved by the Compensation Committee of our board of directors and has the support of the Official Unsecured Creditors Committee and our senior lender Steering Committee. This motion will certainly draw some media attention, so we’d rather you hear about it from us first.

Importantly, this is a pay-for performance plan that pays nothing if our companywide and/or business unit operating goals are not met. The plan is more conservative than in past years in that it requires the company to meet its 2009 operating goals before recipients are eligible for any payout, instead of allowing for a smaller payout in the event of reduced operating performance. In fact, a full payout can only be achieved by significantly exceeding the company’s 2009 operating plan.

As submitted to the court, the plan has three components, including:

  • A management incentive program (MIP) with performance metrics based on our 2009 operating plan as approved by our board of directors earlier this year. This is consistent with our long-standing practice of incentivizing and rewarding employees for exceptional performance. More than 700 employees will be eligible for incentive pay under this part of the plan. This program is generally consistent with the 2008 program that was paid out following court approval earlier this year, with certain aspects that are more conservative than prior years’ programs.
  • A transition management incentive program which is tied to the same operating metrics and is designed to incentivize key managers to continue to focus on maximizing operating cash flow while performing substantial duties related to our restructuring efforts.
  • A supplemental program designed to incentivize business unit leaders to maximize cash flow for their particular operations.

We have also asked the court for approval to pay the earned 2008 MIP awards to our top executives. As you may recall, in May we deferred requesting authorization to pay the top executives following discussions with our key constituents to avoid delays in paying the other 710 employees in the program. The court approved these payments and now, after further discussions with our key constituents, we are seeking payment for the remaining employees so that they will be treated the same as other MIP participants. (Sam is not part of this group, and is not seeking a 2008 MIP award. He is also not a participant in any of the 2009 incentive plans.)
For those who don’t participate in this plan, the company still offers a variety of other incentive programs. Earlier this year the company paid out approximately $8.8 million in various local incentive payments to more than 3,000 employees companywide. We fully expect to continue this practice.

Incentivizing employees is essential to Tribune’s future success. Our employees are committed and working harder than ever to make improvements happen across the company. We must continue motivating our people to overcome obstacles, achieve our performance goals and take the company to the next level.

As a company we are making progress—it is slow, but sure. Looking around the media industry, thanks to your hard work and dedication, we are more competitive than we’ve been in some time. Let’s keep it up.

Randy and Gerry

1 comment:

  1. I can't believe there are no comments on this here yet, Wake up, this is insane......

    What the F**k is "Incentivizing"? Is that even a word? Did Tribune hire Don King and Mike Tyson to write their memos? I understand the coporate drive to dumb down America but give us a break!

    Screw their incentives,the average Joe's and Jane's incentive is to keep their F****N jobs!

    Maybe if this company was flourishing and making a profit consisting of new money, rather than by dumping their "partners" bodies by the road to save the overhead they were viewed as, the notion of bonuses would probably go un-noticed. But that is definately not the case here.

    If Tribune was true to a "performance based" bonus system, the recipients would receive absolutely nothing because that is what has been done to turn this once great newspaper around, absoulutely nothing!

    This kind of news should really piss off anyone that continues to work for Tribune as well as those that have become lay-off victims of Zell's "alledged" Partnership.

    These bonuses should be viewed as ROBBERY! CUT,CUT,CUT, POCKET THE SAVINGS! It's no wonder why this company is in F****N bankruptcy. All these corporations tanking, filing for bankruptcy, laying off workers and then they have the f****n gall, with permission from the courts,to line their pockets with bonuses that were"alledgedly" earned prior to the bankruptcy.

    How the hell did they earn bonuses when the company continues to plummet, taking quality reporters and long time employees along with it?

    If they did indeed earn these bonuses, explain how they earned the money they are due to receive. Has their contribution at least yielded profits exceeding the amount that will be going into their accounts? I doubt it!

    When the hell will all of the pompus, greedy, incompetents be forced to share in the misery they create instead of placing it on the backs of the hard working employees of the Los Angeles Times?

    What happened to the "Partnership" you spoke of so many times Sam? I guess we're only partners when you're being sued! How could we not be when Tribune pays your legal expenses!

    Sam, how's about sending some of that bankruptcy bonus dough down stream to the people who actually do the work. Did the ESOP Board Of Trustees ask the Employees if this was O.K.? What, they didn't?

    I'm gonna go puke now, this makes me F****N SICK!

    Employee B"owned" Since 2oo8.
    Zell Failing Properties,
    All Rights Reserved (for Mgt only.)


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.