Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Which Way LA? Tonight RE: Lily Burk & Parole Policy

Celeste Fremon will be on Which Way LA? Hosted by Warren Olney tonight at 7:00 pm speaking about the murder of Lily Burk and parole policy. Ms. Fremon is a very interesting orator and is passionate about prison policy.

Here’s the information from Celeste:

This evening at 7 p.m, I’ll be on Warren Olney’s Which Way LA? along with LAPPL President Paul Weber.

We’ll be talking about the tragedy of Lily Burk’s death, the media coverage of the crime, and whether or not it’s being used as a political football.

We will also discuss prison and parole policy as those topics relate to the proposed $1.2 billion in cuts to the CDCR budget to be decided upon in August by the California State Leg.

Tune in at 7 p.m. at KCRW - 89.9 FM - to hear it live.

Or listen to the podcast when it goes up here.


  1. The segment actually begins at 7:30 p.m., though you should start listening at 7!

  2. Thanks for the update Gary. By the way, don't you run this radio program?


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