Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Rummage Sale to help newly orphaned Sat 8/8

My friend Frazgo over at Los Angeles Metblogs has a sad story that you the reader can get involved with and lend a hand to a family in need.

Here's the story from Metblogs by Frazgo:

Grab your kleenex and get ready. One of the saddest, yet encouraging stories I have experienced in ages is unfolding before my eyes. I don’t know all the players personally, only through connections at my kids schools.

Single Mom Emily Taylor passed away a few hours after giving birth to her youngest son a few weeks ago. She left behind 4 children and no fathers in the picture. Her best friend “Jackie” stepped up to the plate and took in the 4 kids. She already has 6 kids of her own. She even is expecting her own newborn child in a few months.

Jackie has been awarded temporary custody of the kids who are now wards of the state. Jackie is doing all she can to make sure she can care for the kids and is working closely with Dept of Children Services to ensure she can provide for her best friends kids. Maybe even get permanent custody to keep the siblings together.

In an effort to pay for the funeral a table was set up in front of Monrovia’s Pavilion market to try and solicit help with the funeral. One anonymous Monrovian was so touched by the tale of what happened that they exited the store with a bag of diapers and groceries for the family and left a check for $5oo. Its about community. Its about stepping in to help those least fortunate. That is just the start of the community helping these unfortunate kids.

Wild Rose Elementary here in Monrovia is the location for a huge rummage sale to benefit the Taylor Children, two of which attend the school. They are collecting rummage sale items this week from 8AM-2PM at Wild Rose Elementary. When you arrive simply call Tina in the office at 471-2502 who will open up the cafeteria to stash your donations. The pic is of the things I’m running over this morning to help stock the rummage sale.

New Beginning’s Church in Monrovia is also accepting donations to help the Taylor Family. They are located at 2870 S Peck Road, Monrovia CA.

Details: Wild Rose Elementary School 232 Jasmine Avenue, Monrovia CA 91016. 626-471-2502. Rummage Sale: Saturday August 8, 8AM – Noon

Source: Los Angeles Metblogs

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the shout out and the repost, the more that know the better!


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