Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Falling Axe at the Los Angeles Times

We knew layoffs were coming to the editorial department at the Los Angeles Times, but had no clue colleagues in the Operations Department would also be hit. Over at the Times Costa Mesa Facility 2 pressroom foremen were let go as well as one electro-tech. Here at the Times Olympic Facility 1 from the Plate Making Department and 1 from the Machine Shop were givin pink slips.

The layoffs in Operations at the Los Angeles Times began on September 16th, 2009; I suppose to keep the company from the limelight?

I will supply the names of our colleagues that have been let go within the next few days.

From Kevin Roderick: Layoffs begin at LAT


  1. Hey some small sacrifices must me made so our beloved execs can get their millions of dollars in bonuses.....hail Tribune

  2. That's what Eddy Heartlessstein was referring to when he said Tribune needs to remain
    22 to 66 million is pretty damn opportunistic!

    Why is that money not being injected into the fraud called the ESOP for employees retirement?

    Don't the employees own the company? I'm sure the employees would unanomously oppose any bonuses for the crooks Tribune intends to "INCETIVIZE"

    I'm positive the employees in the pressroom can use some incentive$ other than threats, intimdation and hostility from their alleged management "partners" in Tribune!

    By the way, where you hiding these days Sam, why don't you take another lap around the company and come admit that you are not the "VIAGRA" for this corporation as you claimed you'd be. You made this company impotent instead of bringing it to climax!

    We're still waiting for you to pony up some of that wealth you are ammassing around the globe and for you to live up to the piles of bullshit you fed all of us when you and your "partner in crime Fitzsimons" decided to Rape and pillage not only the Los Angeles Times, but the human beings who gave so much to the success of this once great company.

    The love of money is the root of all evil, and Tribune Executive's lust for money has left a path of destruction in many lives, not for the benefit of the company or the remaining employees, no, it is only for their Greedy Bastards Club!

    When will it end? Can we stop this train wreck? If so, what are you willing to do?

    This is why Unions were originally formed and we are reliving those times in a modern era in which we are falling short of the ability to defend ourselves.

    The only possible way to put an end to Tribune's control of the L.A. Times is for EVERYONE at the L.A. Times to unionize .....not incentivize!


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