Monday, November 16, 2009

Tribune memo on bankruptcy plans

From: Tribune Communications
Sent: Friday, November 13, 2009 4:34 PM
Subject: Message from Randy Michaels and Gerry Spector/Motions Filed Today

This afternoon, we filed two motions with the court overseeing our Chapter 11 bankruptcy; these motions give us a good opportunity to update you on the restructuring process.

One motion asks the court to extend the period of exclusivity for filing our restructuring plan to March 31, 2010. In plain English, this motion seeks to extend the time during which only we can file a plan. The current period of exclusivity expires at the end of this month.

As the motion states, we have made “substantial progress toward filing a plan of reorganization… ”. Our goal is to deliver a plan that our creditors can support and to do so as quickly as possible. We continue active discussions with our creditors in this regard. The other motion filed asks the court to hold a status conference on certain matters related to accomplishing this goal.

The exclusivity motion makes it clear that we’ve accomplished a lot as a company. With your help, we have stabilized and repositioned our businesses, exceeding the financial results of most of our newspaper and broadcasting peers. This year we project operating cash flow of approximately $400 million—nearly double our original operating plan.

Last week here in Chicago, we met with the leaders of all of our business units and their top sales executives to share ideas and best practices as we head into the last two months of 2009. It was a very productive meeting. There is some incredibly innovative work being done on the sales side, but we can’t let up—we have to keep pushing, keep working together across all of our properties and markets, and keep looking for new solutions for our advertisers.

Today’s motions will generate some media attention. Try to tune out the noise and focus on your job. The fourth quarter is traditionally the strongest one of the year and, with your continued hard work, we're sure this year will be no different.

Randy and Gerry

SOURCE: Poynter Online

1 comment:

  1. Michaels: "Today’s motions will generate some media attention. Try to tune out the noise and focus on your job"

    Interpretation: You aren't capable of critical thinking, so you shouldn't listen to anyone but me. The critics will ask, "Why are those Tribune execs making so much money when the Times is slip-sliding down the tubes?", but they don't understand the situation like I do. Just look over here. See what I have in my hand? See the monkey? See the silly monkey?

    Randy, we at the Times have heard this BS from every new Times and Tribune VP that has come along for the last 8 years, yet the paper continues to lose ground. You aren't doing anything productive other than cashing your check and everybody knows it. You don't have a reorganization plan because you don't have anything workable. Nice job. Enjoy your undeserved bonus.


For now, we're opening this blog to Anonymous comments. This will continue as long as civility rules. Disagree as you may, just keep it clean and stay on topic. No profanity, and no name calling. We reserve the right to moderate such comments, though the person who made it may come back and reword their message in a more civil way.