Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Vaya con Dios: Sgt. Eduviges "Duvi" Guadalupe Wolf

Mother, Wife, and Warrior
Daughter, Sister, Niece, Cousin and Friend
Age 24, A Native Californian
Killed in Kunar, while on a last mission to bring her unit desperately needed supplies. She volunteered despite the danger. She knew of its importance, and also anticipated the possibility of seeing her husband, who who was posted to another part of Afghanistan.

You were on this good earth long enough to make a difference. Your greatness will live on with those who knew you. Your strength will imbue your children as they grow. Your love will help your husband raise them to be all that you ever wanted. Everyone will always miss you.
Yo te bendiga.
Condolences to the family and friends from The Pressmen Crew & Friends

Originally Posted At The Kitchen Dispatch


  1. You are not forgotten!

    "All gave some, some gave all"

    God Bless......

  2. Learn more about “Duvi” here.....



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