Saturday, December 05, 2009

Gene Brame Update

While driving to the Times for his night shift Gene suffered a massive heart attack and pulled off the freeway to call 911. A female driver noted Gene was in distress and pulled over, she discovered his cell phone in his lap, with 911 entered, and proceeded to call for aid.

Gene was admitted to White Memorial Hospital, where he recovers at this moment.

Last Saturday a neurologist tested Gene for brain activity, and the outcome was positive.

During the week Gene’s wife brought in his favorite music, Elvis, and played a few songs for him. As the music was played Gene showed brain activity and opened his eyes slightly.

The life support is still in place with the ventilator tube moved with a tracheotomy, and a feeding tube put in place.

No further information available at this time.

Hat Tips to Owen Brennan III, Billy Roundtree, and Russ Newton

1 comment:

  1. So sorry! Best wishes to the family and to Gene.


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