Tuesday, January 19, 2010

The Phony Brigadier General: I've Seen The Elephant Too

This is a story that hasn't even hit the news yet. It's not in the newspapers in Houston, where it takes place, nor on national news. The FBI isn't much interested, and so it has fallen to military bloggers to do all the nitty gritty work and present this fake to the world. Milbloggers have identified him, gone through his phony medals and culled through is phony resume. They've posted photos in some kind of burlesque show.
LA Times, if you're worth the Sunday edition --you will follow this lead. If you don't, then naff off.

"Fake soldiers soak in the good will from civilians as they pretend to be soldiers who have done the gritty work of war. They besmirch the memory of those soldiers who have lost their lives.
The latest had the gall to show up to a party in Houston dressed to the nines as a Brigadier General. "

Read the rest at:
The Kitchen Dispatch

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