Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Tribune Co. Exec's Granted Bonuses

I follow many interesting users on Twitter that post news articles that are informative and sometimes just odd. Funny_News posts stories that are in other words, weird and or funny. The headline below will be submitted as odd as the Tribune Company is in bankruptcy because the suppliers cannot be paid, yet the company will pay out millions in bonuses next month.

Bankruptcy court approves Tribune bonus payments

WILMINGTON, Del. (Reuters) - Bankrupt media company Tribune Co can pay about $45 million in bonuses to hundreds of managers, the largest such payment in at least 12 years, after a judge overruled union objections on Wednesday.
Thirty-nine of my colleagues working in the pressroom for the Los Angeles Times will be losing their livelihood on March 15th, 2010, yet they will receive no severance whatsoever as everyone else leaving the Tribune Company. Their only crime, they belong to a union. Does the Tribune Company dislike union's so much they must punish their workers that join and support a union?

The owner of the Chicago Tribune and Los Angeles Times as well as more than 20 television stations will begin paying the bonuses next month to as many as 720 senior employees as part of its annual incentive plan.

The Washington-Baltimore Newspaper Guild opposed the payments, which it said rewarded declining performance at a time when the company had frozen salaries for most staff.

Entire article can be read here.


  1. “Thirty-nine of my colleagues working in the pressroom for the Los Angeles Times will be losing their livelihood on March 15th, 2010, yet they will receive no severance whatsoever as everyone else leaving the Tribune Company. Their only crime, they belong to a union. Does the Tribune Company dislike union's so much they must punish their workers that join and support a union?”

    Yes, your right Ed it is sad that people being laid off “will receive no severance” but...... why did that happen? The real “crime” is that people don’t want to accept responsibility for their own decisions. That’s the real source of the “punishment”.

  2. Accepting responsibility-- is that Captain Crunch wanting the monies that the 80's generated? Or the Chandler Clan wanting the monies Otis generated? Or the Trib wanting the monies the Times Mirror Corp. generated? Show me the money Zell? Greed has raped and pilaged this great paper-- who makes these decisions? So, if I'm on top who's f'n up? Cut the base, save the top, and the profit margin is falsely grown anew.

    Do I get a bonus for that?


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