Friday, February 05, 2010

Exposing The Phoney War On Drugs !!!

Jonathan Perri, writing for the Los Angeles Times, declares the war against drugs a dismal failure. Perri mentions an op-ed penned by D.A.R.E. America Chairman Skip Miller who claims his organization has reduced illegal drug usage by Americas children.

One has to ask what is Mr. Miller smoking?

Perri notes that D.A.R.E. and other such educational programs have in fact not reduced drug use. But in reality, our drug laws have failed to stop marijuana use among American youth but have succeeded in punishing them with damning criminal records, loss of financial aid for college and removal from after-school activities. As a graduate of D.A.R.E., I know all too well about the shortcomings of this program and of Americas war on marijuana, writes Perri.

A casual glance at the so-called war on drugs reminds one of Einsteins famous quip — insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Arresting and throwing recreational drug users in prison — primarily for possessing and smoking marijuana — will not win the supposed war. It simply creates a class of criminals where none existed before

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