Thursday, March 18, 2010

The Pfaffinger Foundation Aids LA Times Staff

The Pfaffinger Foundation has come to the rescue of former Los Angeles Times employee, Aurora Liggons:

"Surgery went great!!! I was able to go to my granddaughter's concert! I looked like a pirate though. Roland you're right! I'm walking around looking at colors for the first time! I can't wait to get the other eye done. I was able with the help of The Pfaffinger Foundation to get the special implant lens! It cost $975!..."

The foundation was created in 1936 by Francis X. Pfaffinger, then Times Mirror's chief financial officer, apparently out of personal assets. By last year, when it paid assistance grants to 673 recipients, its asset base had grown to nearly $90 million--a relatively modest size among California charities.

Among the ways Pfaffinger is assisting employees and former employees:

1. Paying some or all of COBRA payments if the individual is unable to do so.

2. Making a limited number of rent or mortgage payments while the family restructures its finances.

3. Arranging for financial counseling at no cost.

4. Assisting with medical bills not covered by insurance (and sometimes we are able to negotiate a reduction with the provider as well). We can also assist with a variety of other bills (e.g. utilities).

The way to access Pfaffinger services is to call us at (213) 680-7460. We do not have a website because our first step with an inquiry is to determine eligibility, and we do this on a case-by-case basis in conversation with the applicant. We are also happy to mail out a brochure.

Every applicant works with a professional case manager and is guided through the application process. Client information is totally confidential. Of course, approval is not automatic and we are not a “benefit.” In fact, we are totally independent of The Times and Tribune.

I hope this information is of interest to you and I would like to discuss with you how it might be shared with your members.

Please feel free to e-mail or call (213) 680-7467.

Stephen C. Meier
Chairman and CEO
Pfaffinger Foundation
316 W. 2nd St., Suite PH-C
Los Angeles, CA 90012
Tel: (213) 680-7467
Fax: (213) 680-7474

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