Monday, April 19, 2010

Seeking Information on Pressman Ralph Neutzenholze

Dear Readers, the following email arrived this morning and hopefully someone can assist in locating information about this former pressman? Thank you.

Dear Mr. Padgett

I am researching my family genealogy and trying to locate some information on Ralph Neutzenholze who died in 1960. All I know about Ralph is that he was a Pressman for some paper in the Los Angeles area. Which paper is unknown. He lived in zip code 90022 as last residence which I think is in East Los Angeles area. The only clue that have about Ralph being a pressman is from the California Voters Registration which was for the 1928 era. I am grasping at straws now, trying to find Ralph's information and obit if possible. Ralph was married first to Nelle, then to Betty Percival. I would think that the newspaper that he worked for would have written something about his death but I don't have a clue which newspaper he worked for.

I am writing you in hopes that you might have an old Roster showing former Pressmen for various newspapers around the LA area....OR ...maybe there is a Pressman's Union that might Ralph may have belonged to that may have information on Ralph. I have tried everything and can't find anything on Ralph other than he died in zip code 90022 in 1960.

I am hoping that you might be able to suggest someone to contact or may have access to old records of Pressmen that worked for papers around the Los Angeles area. Any help or suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I live in Burbs of Atlanta so I must research through the internet. Thanks so much.....please contact me at Trendsa

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