Thursday, May 16, 2013

Thursday Morning in the Blogosphere

LA City Attorney candidate Mike Feuer with LA Times Pressman Charles Laird

Selling ads by time, not space - Jeff Jarvis

Newspapers' only hope? Quality - Fortune

Protest of L.A. Times Sale to the Koch Brothers - LA Weekly

Desperate “Times” at Anti-Koch Brothers Rally - Frying Pan News

Merc puts its building up for sale - San Fransisco Peninsula Press Club

Hundreds protest possible Koch acquisition of Tribune papers - Poynter

Why newspapers matter to newspaper people - The Eatonton Messenger

Possible Sale of LA Times to Koch Brothers Sparks Protest - Fishbowl LA

Evening Sun in Hanover will move to three-day-a-week publication - Penn Live

UK's Sun to introduce paywall for online content..will people pay? - Editors Weblog

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