Wednesday, June 01, 2022

Important Events From This day in History June 1st


1923 Great Britain World War I Loans To France

1923 : Both Great Britain and the United States are demanding back the loans made to France borrowed during the First World War but the french answer is both Britain and America are much richer nations and as the war was a world war they should not have to pay the money back, negotiations are continuing at diplomatic levels.

1933 USA Roger Williams

1933 : The aviator, Roger Williams, announces his plans to fly a round-trip flight across the Atlantic ocean. His flight plans start from New York and include stops in Rome, Greece, and Ireland. He plans to end in Chicago. It was set to start his flight on July 24th in a Bellanca plane.

1938 Superman Appears For The First Time

1938 : Superman created by American writer Jerry Siegel and Canadian artist Joe Shuster made his first appearance in D.C. Comics’ Action Comics Series issue #1 which sold for 10 cents.

1967 Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band

1967 : One of the most iconic LP's from the 1960s Music is released by The Beatles. Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band sold over 8 million copies worldwide.

1968 USA Helen Keller

1968 : The famous blind and deaf author Helen Keller who become a world-famous speaker, Political Activist and author, Helen Keller, dies.

1935 England Compulsory Driving Test

1935 : Compulsory Driving Test is introduced for all drivers in England who started driving on or after April 1st 1934, A voluntary test was introduced by the Road Traffic Act in 1934 and the first person in Britain to take the test and pass his driving test is Mr R.E.L.BEERE. The test took place on the 16th March 1935. The son of Mr R.E.L.BEERE. still has the certificate 00001 signed in behalf of the (then) Minister of Transport. All drivers buying a temporary driving license must now put ‘L’ plates on the car and take a driving test to get their full license.

1942 Poland Extermination Camps

1942 : A Warsaw underground newspaper, the Liberty Brigade, is the first public newspaper to tell the world about the Nazi extermination camps in Poland where tens of thousands of Jews were murdered in Chelmno.

1944 France World War II

1944 : The British Broadcasting Corp. aired the coded message from the first line of a poem by Paul Verlaine to underground resistance fighters in France to inform the French resistance that the D-Day invasion was imminent.

1946 Great Britain First TV Licence Introduced

1946 : The British Broadcasting Corporation/BBC introduces the first TV Licence costing £2 for the British Public. This was in addition to a Radio Licence which cost about 10 shillings (50p). Current TV licence fee is £147.00.

1947 U.S.A. Tornado Arkansas

1947 : A tornado kills an estimated 30 people and leaves over 500 people homeless in Arkansas. Many rural communities were hit by the tornado and destroyed. The storm's path was an estimated 20 miles long, and could have been up to 10 miles wide.

1958 France Charles de Gaulle

1958 : Following a long political crisis over the revolt in Algeria, Charles de Gaulle is called out of retirement to head a new emergency government as a virtual dictator for a 6 month period to bring the country back together.

1965 Japan Mining Disaster

1965 : In one of the worst mining disasters in modern times an explosion kills 236 workers at the Yamano coal mine near Fukuoka, Japan.

1970 Soviet Union Nikita Khruschev

1970 : The former leader of the Soviet Union, Nikita Khruschev , was hospitalized with a burst blood vessel. Although the condition was not life threateningly dangerous, the former Premier was sent to the Kremlin hospital where he was to be kept indoors for a few weeks.

1979 Rhodesia End of White Rule

1979 : Rhodesia ends nearly 100 years of white minority rule and changes it's name to Zimbabwe.

1980 CNN Launched in Atlanta

1980 : The first 24-hour news television station – CNN is launched in Atlanta, Georgia.

1985 UK Stone Henge

1985 : 500 Hippy travelers clash with police on their way to the ancient stone circle of Stonehenge in Wiltshire for an illegal festival, the police set up a roadblock seven miles from Stonehenge. The day is known as "The Battle of the Beanfield" and was the first major test of an English Heritage ban on midsummer festivals at Stonehenge.

1985 U.S.A. Arms Control

1985 : The United States and the Soviet Union faced a stalemate when discussing arms control . Neither side seemed willing to compromise but both sides opened up the possibility for discussion.

1990 U.S.A. Chemical Weapons

1990 : In a historic meeting between President George Bush and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev they sign a historic agreement to end production of chemical weapons and begin the destruction of reserves of chemical weapons.

1993 Forces Kill 4 Children in Artillery Bombardment

1993 : Serb forces shell a football match in Bosnia killing 11 including 4 children who were watching the football match.

2001 Nepal Royal Family

2001 : The king, queen and seven other members of the royal family in Nepal are shot dead after the heir to the throne Crown Prince Dipendra went on a rampage with a gun before turning it on himself.

2005 Zimbabwe Police Crackdown

2005 : The police in Zimbabwe continue the crackdown on shantytowns that have been built in the capital, Harare, destroying thousands of shanty's and arresting more than 22,000 people. The police are destroying these Shanty Towns in an attempt to clean up crime in the cities and forcing the people back to the rural areas of the country.

2005 Sweden Nuclear Reactor

2005 : Sweden shut down the Barseback 2 nuclear reactor as it continued to phase out using nuclear energy. The country had voted to end its nuclear energy program in 1980 and had been working on phasing out the reactors for twenty five years. However concerns over alternative energy options had some Swedes reconsidering nuclear energy, as well as replacing nuclear energy with more renewable sources like wind and solar power.

2006 U.S.A. Hurricane Katrina

2006 : A report on the effects of Hurricane Katrina on New Orleans by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers admitted that faulty design specifications, incomplete sections and substandard construction of levee segments, contributed up to 2/3rd's of damage done to New Orleans by Hurricane Katrina.

2007 Kevorkian Released From Prison

2007 : Doctor Jack Kervorkian was released from prison in the state of Michigan after serving eight years. Kervorkian had been convicted of murder for helping terminally ill patients die and became known as Doctor Death. Kervorkian, a proponent of euthanasia vowed he would continue to fight for the right of assisted suicide but would do so by legal means.

2010 Homer Simpson Named Best TV Character

2010 : Entertainment Weekly announced that Homer Simpson was to be named the best television and film character of the past twenty years. The cartoon character was best known for his love of eating and oafish antics. The Simpsons character beat out Harry Potter and Buffy the Vampire Slayer, who came in as second and third on the magazine's list.

2012 Mistrial John Edwards Case

2012 : After the jury could not decide on five of the six charges former Presidential candidate John Edwards faced, the judge declared it a mistrial. The jury only found him not guilty of one of the six charges he faced for misuse of campaign funds. The former candidate was accused of using donor funds to cover up his mistress's pregnancy during his 2008 presidential run.

2013 Yemen Drone Kills Seven

2013 :Two drone strikes killed seven suspected al-Qaeda militants in Southern Yemen. The suspected militants had been travelling in two separate vehicles.

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