Friday, June 10, 2022

Important Events From This day in History June 10th


US Naval Dirigible

1921 : The US Naval Dirigible made a forced landing on a San Diego high School Campus after the under work collapsed under the Air Ship and narrowly missed the school flagpole.

1940 Norway Surrenders To Germany

1940 : Two months after starting the invasion of Norway Germany gains full control when Norway surrenders . One other interesting fact is that the word Quisling came from the name of the Norwegian minister of defense Vidkun Quisling.

1940 Italy Declares War on France and Great Britain

1940 : Italy declares war on France and Great Britain.

1947 Sweden SAAB First Car Produced

1947 : Saab a supplier of military aircraft before and during World War II produces their first car in attempt to diversify the model 92 prototype.

1961 USA President Kennedy

1961 : After injuries sustained while on a trip to Canada President Kennedy back injury is improving although he is still using crutches to get around.

1967 Middle East Six Day War Ends

1967 : Israel and Syria agree to observe the UN mediated cease-fire ending six days of Israeli fighting against Egypt, Jordan and Syrian forces.

1977 USA James Earl Ray

1977 : James Earl Ray, the convicted assassin of civil rights leader Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., escaped from a maximum security prison in Tennessee, he was recaptured three days later.

1978 USA Affirmed Wins Triple Crown

1978 : Affirmed wins the Belmont Stakes and the Triple Crown, one year after Seattle Slew wins it in 1977.

1980 South Africa Nelson Mandela

1980 : Nelson Mandela the imprisoned leader of the African National Congress (ANC) makes public a statement from a letter written by Nelson Mandela and smuggled out of prison "UNITE! MOBILISE! FIGHT ON! BETWEEN THE ANVIL OF UNITED MASS ACTION AND THE HAMMER OF THE ARMED STRUGGLE WE SHALL CRUSH APARTHEID!"

1986 South Africa Civil Unrest

1986 : The Civil unrest continues in South Africa in Shanty Towns with Young Black protesters attacked by self styled conservative militia armed with guns , clubs and Knives, The Militia are attacking hospitals and schools and burning them to the ground with a number of deaths and casualties reported.

1986 UK Brighton Bombing Grand Hotel

1986 : Patrick Joseph Magee is convicted of planting the bomb at the Grand Hotel in Brighton during the 1984 Conservative Party conference which killed five people and nearly wiped out most of Margaret Thatcher's cabinet on October 12th 1984.

1996 Iraq Biological Weapons

1996 : UN Experts and Iraq Officials have started dismantling a Biological Weapons Factory outside of Baghdad as called for by sanctions imposed by the UN following Iraq's invasion of Kuwait in 1990.

2000 UK Millennium Bridge

2000 : The new Millennium Bridge connecting St Paul's Cathedral to the Tate Modern gallery on the South Bank across the Thames is closed after it begins swaying violently in the wind under the weight of hundreds of pedestrians on opening day.

2002 USA Dirty Bomb

2002 : Attorney General John Ashcroft announces that José Padilla a.k.a. Abdulla al-Muhajir was arrested in Chicago on May 8th2002, on suspicion that he was an Al-Qaeda terrorist planning to detonate a dirty bomb in the U.S. A dirty bomb is a radiological dispersal device (RDD), which combines radioactive material with conventional explosives. The effects are not the same as a nuclear bomb Nuclear bomb is a weapon of mass destruction compared with. Dirty bomb is a weapon of mass disruption. A dirty bomb may not be hugely destructive in physical terms, it would have a huge psychological effect.

2007 Australia Man Made Fires For Climate Control

2007 : After many years of problems for both the indigenous people (Aborigines) of Australia and an increase of major bush fires wiping out large tracts of land and sometimes affecting major cities, Australia has embraced the Aborigines ancient traditions of indigenous fire management by burning areas of the Australian Outback to act as wild fire breaks just after the rains to stop wild fires spreading uncontrollable later in the year. The project has been made possible by the most unlikely of companies ConocoPhillips who have agreed to pay the Aborigines A$1m ($850,000) a year, for 17 years, to offset 100,000 tons of the refinery's own greenhouse emissions. The half a million Aborigines in Australia have long suffered from huge social problems in dysfunctional communities ravaged by domestic violence and alcoholism as the governments plans to assimilate them into the mainstream have largely failed, but schemes like this may well provide the opportunity for them to provide a service they understand better than anybody else and helping in the fight against global warming.

2008 USA Storms In Midwest Taking a Toll

2008 : After 7 days of violent storms in the Midwest starting on June 3rd a number of US states are now suffering serious flooding due to rivers bursting their banks, and reservoirs overflowing. The states worst affected are : Iowa with Iowa City under severe flood warnings. Illinois where levees have failed causing thousands of acres of farmland to be flooded causing concerns over this years crops which were already predicted to be lower than normal. Indiana where the White River has breached in a number of places. Wisconsin where rivers have reached flood level and in areas of Milwaukee main roads are now closed. Five states have now declared a state of emergency in one or more counties and concerns over further storms scheduled for later in the week could bring even more flooding.

2008 Greek Industrialist Captured

2008 : One of Greece's top aluminum industrialists was kidnapped by gunmen. George Mylonas was taken from his home in Thessaloniki. Police began searching for him immediately and set up roadblocks along the northern border of the country. The motive for the abduction was unclear.

2009 Libya's Gaddafi Visits Italy

2009 : The president of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi made his first official visit to Italy, Libya's former colonial ruler and biggest trading partner. Gaddafi's first visit to Italy since he took control of Libya through a coup was marked by economic discussions about trade and investment, as well as the topic of illegal immigration.

2011 Croatia Approved for EU

2011 : The European Commission gave the go-ahead for Croatia to become a member of the European Union. The commission stated that the European Union will most likely approve the decision later in June and Croatia is likely to join the European Union in 2013. Croatia would be become the second ex-Yugoslav country to join the EU after Slovenia, if all proceeds as planned.

2012 Syrian National Council Picks President

2012 : The Syrian National Council, established in September of 2011 at the beginning of the "Arab Spring" has chosen a new leader to replace Burhan Ghalioun. Abdelbaset Sayda, a Kurdish activist, was elected to be the leader of the group at a meeting in Istanbul.

2013 NSA Prism Leak Source Identified

2013 : Former CIA technical worker, Edward Snowden, was identified as the source who leaked information about the NSA's Prism program to the UK's Guardian newspaper. Snowden leaked information related to the United States' phone and internet secret surveillance programs. Snowden revealed these details out of what he believed was moral obligation to the public.

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