Saturday, June 18, 2022

Important Events From This day in History June 18th


1923 U.S.A. First Checker Cab

1923 : The First Checker Cab is produced by the Checker Cab Manufacturing Company, in Kalamazoo, Michigan. By 1925 the Checker Cab Company is the largest manufacturer of Cabs in the country. In 1956 Checker made a passenger vehicle for the first time the Checker Marathon but never really took off.

1928 U.S.A. Amelia Earhart

1928 : Amelia Earhart completes the flight from Newfoundland to Wales, becoming the first woman to fly across the Atlantic Ocean as a passenger.

1941 France World War II

1941 : British troops bombard the German-occupied French coast with explosives during the night before and early into the morning. Other British troops also bombarded parts of western Germany, including Dusseldorf and Cologne. It was rumored that Britain's heavy attack on the industrial cities in Germany was to put a damper on preparations for a German invasion of Britain.

1948 U.S.A. Long Playing Phonograph Record / LP

1948 : Columbia Records publicly unveiled its new long-playing phonograph record, the 33 1/3, in New York City. Today, Columbia Records is the oldest record brand in the industry, dating back to 1888 when sound was recorded on black cylinders rather than albums, and begin mass production.

1948 United Nations Commission on Human Rights

1948 : The United Nations Commission on Human Rights adopted an International Declaration of Human Rights and a "Draft Declaration of Human Rights."

1952 Japan China

1952 : Japan announced that they recognized the Chinese Nationalist government as opposed to the Communist regime. A treaty that was signed between the two nations stated that there was no more state of war between the nations.

1964 Soviet Union Agriculture

1964 : Soviet leader Khrushchev toured Denmark's agricultural sites but concluded that the Soviet Union cannot learn much from the country. He also vowed that the Soviet Union's agricultural problems would be solved within seven to eight years, and if they weren't he would leave the communist party.

1965 Vietnam B52 Bombers Bombing

1965 : B52 Bombers are used to fly-bomb a Viet Cong concentration in a heavily forested area of Binh Duong Province northwest of Saigon. Releasing bombs from 30,000 feet, the B-52s could neither be seen nor heard from the ground as they inflicted awesome damage.

1965 UK New Drink Driving Laws

1965 : The British government following increasing numbers of accidents caused through drink driving announces it will introduce a blood alcohol limit for drivers. The new laws were implemented on January 1st the following year with 80mg of alcohol in 100cc of blood (0.08%) becoming an offence to drive when over this limit.

1972 England Trident Crash

1972 : A Trident jetliner crashes after takeoff from Heathrow Airport in London, killing 118 people and the cause is never identified apart from indications the plane was to full of passengers and luggage.

1976 South Africa Rioting

1976 : Rioting in South Africa spreads throughout the country. At least 58 people were reported dead and 788 injured due to the spread of violence. The prime minister of the nation, John Vorster, recognized that the violence was an effort to cause panic and create a division within the black and white communities in the nation. Vorster also stated that law and order within the nation were important to maintain.

1979 Austria US - Soviet Salt II

1979 : President Jimmy Carter and Soviet leader Leonid Brezhnev sign the Salt-II agreement dealing with limitations and guidelines for nuclear weapons but due to the continuing Cold War never went into effect due to the Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan in 1980 and President Carter withdrew the USA from the agreement.

1983 U.S.A. Space Shuttle Challenger

1983 : The space shuttle Challenger is launched into space on its second mission. Aboard the shuttle was Dr. Sally Ride, who as a mission specialist became the first American woman to travel into space.

1998 U.S.A. Infoseek

1998 : The late 1990s produced a phenomenon called the dot com boom and just one of those companies snapped up was Infoseek by the Disney Corporation who revamped the site and renamed it GO.

1999 U.S.A. Gun Control

1999 : Following the recent increase of high school shootings including the Columbine High School in Colorado, a new gun control bill has been rejected by Congress, the bill was rejected by the Republican side who felt the new controls went too far and the Democrats, who felt the new controls did not go far enough.

2000 U.S.A. Tiger Woods Wins US Open

2000 : Tiger Woods wins the 100th US Open at Pebble Beach, California winning by an unheard of 15 strokes ahead of his competition ending with a 12 under for the course.

2007 U.S.A. Flashover Fire

2007 : A fire in a South Carolina Sofa Super store changed from an ordinary fire into a flashover causing the loss of life of fire fighters who were trying to save employees trapped in the store.

2007 Oil Discovered in Ghana

2007 : The United Kingdom based company, Tullow, announced the discovery of a large amount of oil reserves off the shores of Ghana. The estimated 600 million barrels worth of oil was expected to be a great boost to the economy in Ghana, the country could wait up to seven years before the oil would start to flow.

2008 Florence to Revoke Dante's Exile

2008 : The city council of Florence in Italy called for the poet Dante Alighieri to be readmitted into the city at a public ceremony after being exiled for over seven hundred years. The ceremony honoring his descendants would mark the formal revocation of the exile order made against Dante in 1302 for his differing political views.

2009 Space Mission To Find Water On The Moon

2009 : NASA launches the Lunar Reconnaissance Orbiter/LCROSS probes to the Moon, the primary mission is to search for water ice in the Cabeus crater near the Moon's south pole, this is the first American lunar mission since 1998

2010 United States Record Breaking Sailing Trip

2010 : Fifty-eight year old Reid Stowe returned to land after claiming to spend the longest time at sea without touching land. His record breaking trip lasted 1,152 days and began in April 2007. He originally set out with his girlfriend, but she had to leave after suspecting that she was pregnant. Stowe was greeted by her and his nearly two year old child who had never seen. To pass the time on his journey he practiced yoga and painted, in addition to keeping up with the sailboat.

2012 Japan IBM Supercomputer Becomes Fastest

2012 : The US's IBM Sequoia supercomputer overtook Fujitsu's K Computer in Japan to become the fastest in the world. The development marks the first time in two years that the United States held the position.

2013 Hungary Charges Nazi

2013 : Prosecutors in Hungary have charged ninety-eight year old Laszlo Csatary for Nazi war crimes. Csatary was accused of assisting in the murder of Jews while serving as a Nazi police officer in Kosice. Csatary denied the charges saying that he only acted as an intermediary between German and Hungarian forces.

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