Thursday, June 30, 2022

Important Events From This day in History June 30th


1953 U.S.A. The Corvette

1953 : The first all-fiberglass-bodied American sports car, the Corvette was produced on this day and with it's sleek lines is among the best car design ever produced by the American Car Industry.

1900 U.S.A. New Jersey Ships Fire

1900 : A major fire broke out on a Pier in New Jersey (Pier 3 in Hoboken) engulfing 4 German ships that were docked and spreading to over 27 ships before the fire was bought under control.

1931 U.S.A. Al Capone

1931 : Al Capone's attorney has asked for and been granted a one month period for Al Capone to put his business affairs in order and spend time with his family prior to sentencing for tax evasion and jail time.

1934 Germany Party Purge

1934 : Adolf Hitler orders a purge of his own political party, assassinating hundreds of Nazis whom he believed had the potential to become political enemies in the future later known as the Night of the Long Knives.

1936 U.S.A. Gone With The Wind

1936 : The book Gone with the Wind is Published. In 1939 Gone With The Wind was made into the Oscar Winning Film.

1937 Hitler Tells American Businessmen No War

1937 : Adolf Hitler meets a number of American Businessmen in Berlin and tells them there will be no war Germany can not afford a war and does not a war, most believe his sincere style.

1937 Great Britain 999

1937 : 999 emergency service is started in London When 999 was dialed, a buzzer sounded and a red light flashed in the exchange to attract an operator's attention.

1950 U.S.A. Korea War

1950 : President Harry S. Truman orders U.S. armed forces to assist in defending South Korea from invading North Korean armies.

1950 Russia Blames South Korea

1950 : America has asked the Russians to act as peace mediators in Korea but Russia has stated that the blame lies with South Korea for an unprovoked attack on North Korea.

1954 Total Eclipse Of The Sun

1954 : The total eclipse of the sun is seen around the world in Europe, United States, and Asia including Pakistan and India. The longest duration of total eclipse was two minutes 35 seconds. Solar eclipses are normally only seen by a small specific area of the world so this was unusual as it was seen from so many continents.

1969 Biafra 3 Million Starving

1969 : Food aid and medical supplies from the International Committee of the Red Cross to war torn Biafra been banned by Nigeria. It is estimated as many as three million people who are going to starve to death in the next few weeks unless something is done. Two weeks later due to International Pressure Nigerian leader, General Gowon, allowed the Red Cross to airlift urgent medical supplies and food to Biafra.

1971 Space Soyuz 11

1971 : Three Soviet cosmonauts who had spent 23 days orbiting the earth began reentry procedures and when they fired the explosive bolts to separate the Soyuz 11 , a critical valve was jerked open and the capsule was suddenly exposed to the nearly pressure less environment of space seconds later, the cosmonauts were dead.

1976 U.S.A. Artificial Heart Use Predicted

1976 : During the 125th Annual Convention of American Medical Association a pioneer in Cardio Vascular has predicted that by the turn of the century we will be able to use an artificial heart for heart attack victims.

1985 Lebanon Hostages Released

1985 : Thirty Nine American hostages being held captive by the Shia Muslim Amal militia in Lebanon are released, their freedom was secured after intervention by the Syrian President Hafiz al-Assad.

1994 U.S.A. Tonya Harding

1994 : The U.S. Figure Skating Association (USFSA) stripped Tonya Harding of her her 1994 national Figure Skating championship title and banned her from the organization for life for an attack on rival Nancy Kerrigan. The investigation by the USFSA decided Harding knew about the attack before it happened and displayed "a clear disregard for fairness, good sportsmanship and ethical behavior."

1997 Hong Kong British Flag Lowered For Last Time

1997 : The Colonial flag of Hong Kong is lowered for the last time prior to hand over to China tomorrow on July 1st 1997.

1997 UK "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone"

1997 : JK Rowling's first Harry Potter book UK "Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone" released in the UK. the book is not released in the US until September 1998 as "Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone". The book has now had over 120 million copies sold (2008).

2007 UK Terrorist Attack Glasgow Airport

2007 : A green Jeep Cherokee filled with gas cylinders and fuel is crashed through the check in entrance at Glasgow Airport in Scotland where it burst into flames . The unusual and worrying part of the attack was that the terrorists were working as doctors in the British Health Service.

2007 U.S.A. House Price Drops

2007 : Reports published show overall house prices have dropped in the US by 3.2%

2008 India Pride March in Delhi

2008 : Hundreds of gay rights supporters gathered in the Indian capital of Delhi, marking the first time the city has hosted a pride parade in a country where homosexuality is illegal. The marchers demanded an end to discrimination against gay, lesbian, and transgender people in what was India's largest display of gay pride in its history.

2009 Car Bomb Kills Many in Iraqi Market

2009 : At least twenty-seven people were killed in an explosion after a car bomb was set off in a busy market in Kirkuk, Iraq. The attack came after a major troop withdrawal by the United States who had decided to end their six year occupation of the country with the aim of all US troops to leave Iraq by 2011.

2010 Earthquake Hits Mexico

2010 : An earthquake with a magnitude of 6.2 hit the southern state of Oaxaca in Mexico. The earthquake struck while many in the area were asleep however there were no reports of major damage or injuries.

2011 Greece Passes Austerity Vote

2011 : Members of the Greek parliament passed a key second vote on austerity measures, helping to secure further financial aid for the crisis-ridden country. The vote passed despite several violent strikes and protests against the measures to raise taxes and implement public sector pay cuts across the country. The European Union welcomed the news, which would help prevent Greece from defaulting on its debt and which could have caused many more economic problems for the rest of the Europe.

2012 Mali Islamists Damage Timbuktu Shrines

2012 : Ansar Dine Islamists have damaged shrines of Muslim saints in the city of Timbuktu. Islamists think of the shrines as idolatrous and are said to have damaged the mausoleum of Sidi Mahmoud, one of sixteen shrines in the city.

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