Friday, July 22, 2022

Important Events From This day in History July 22nd


1991 U.S.A. Jeffrey Dahmer

1991 : Jeffrey Dahmer is caught and is considered one of the most sadistic serial killers in our time when Dahmer's apartment was searched, the extent of his horrors was revealed, it contained pictures of body parts and the apartment was littered with human remains including human heads in the refrigerator and freezer, there was also evidence to suggest that he had been practicing cannibalism with his victims bodies, he later confessed to 17 murders in all.

1933 U.S.A. Wiley Post

1933 : Wiley Hardeman Post (Wiley Post) becomes the first man to fly solo around the world in his plywood monocoque aircraft, the Winnie Mae. He took 7 days, 19 hours -- 21 hours less than his previous record which he had set in 1931 with a navigator, Harold Gatty. Instead of a navigator he had installed an auto pilot device and a radio compass which were still in development, but which allowed him to make his solo journey.

1934 U.S.A. John Dillinger Shot

1934 : John Dillinger Public Enemy number ONE career was finally ended during a shoot out with FBI agents who had been waiting outside a local Cinema following a tip off.

More about John Dillinger

1937 U.S.A. Supreme Court

1937 : President Franklin D. Roosevelt proposed to add five new justices to the Supreme Court, this was because the Supreme Court were overturning many of his programs and he believed if he placed an additional 5 new justices chosen by him he would get his legislation through. Much to his dismay the Senate turned down his proposal.

1942 Poland Warsaw Ghetto

1942 : Himmler ordered Rudolph Hoess an SS major to clean up the Warsaw ghetto, the Jewish quarter enclosed by barbed wire and brick walls which was to be depopulated and the inhabitants transported to Treblinka. Rudolph Hoess started the systematic deportation of Jews from the Warsaw ghetto on July 22nd with thousands rounded up daily and transported to the newly constructed concentration camp at Treblinka, in Poland. In just seven weeks of Himmler's order, more than 250,000 Jews were taken to Treblinka by rail and gassed to death.

1950 Save The Buffalo Bison Campaign

1950 : The American Buffalo / Bison which roamed the plains and numbered over 50 million are now down to a mere 4000 animals and concerns over extinction means more work and money is to be spent to save this important part of the American Heritage. It is estimated that there are now only four free roaming and genetically pure herds of American Bison / Buffalo on public lands in North America: Yellowstone National Park (4,000 Bison), Henry Mountains in Utah (500 Bison), Wind Cave National Park in South Dakota (1,500 Bison), Elk Island in Alberta, Canada (500 Bison).

1964 Japan Tokyo Olympics

1964 : Plans are being put in place to show live feed from the Tokyo Olympic games to Television viewers in Canada and the United States using a new Comstat Satellite Syncom III which will be launched in August and hold a stationary or hovering orbit position above the Pacific Ocean. The Olympic Games will be shown to television viewers in October.

1975 U.S.A. Personal Bankruptcy On The Increase

1975 : A growing number of people are filing for personal bankruptcy which is more than ever before, the reasons can be traced through to any number including: Inflation, Pay rises not matching expectations, Increased use of Credit Cards, Shop-A-Holics, Gas Price Increases.

1987 Soviet Union Nuclear Missile Ban

1987 : Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev indicates that he is willing to negotiate a ban on intermediate-range nuclear missiles without conditions paving the way for the groundbreaking Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty with the United States.

1992 Colombia Pablo Escobar

1992 : Colombian drug lord Pablo Escobar escaped from his own luxurious private prison, La Catedral. near Medellin. At one time Escabar had been listed as the seventh-richest man in the world on Forbes Magazine. The United States Delta Force joined Colombian Police and a self proclaimed vigilante group in the all-out manhunt for Escobar and in December 1993 he was found and died in a shoot out.

2002 Israeli Bomb Kills 15 People

2002 : An Israeli F-16 has dropped a one-tonne guided bomb on an apartment block in Gaza City killing 15 including innocent children in an attack designed to kill Sheikh Salah Shahada a leading member of the militant group Hamas.

2003 Iraq Saddam Hussein’s Sons Killed

2003 : Former Iraqi dictator Saddam Hussein’s sons, Qusay and Uday Hussein, are killed after a three-hour firefight with U.S. forces in the northern Iraqi city of Mosul.

2003 Memphis Summer Storm

2003 : A summer storm, dubbed the Memphis Summer Storm of 2003, strikes the region with 100 mph winds and rains. When it was over, four people were dead with several more dead and injured as a result of fires and other accidents that the storm caused. More than 300,000 area residents were also left without power.

2005 England Suspected Terrorist Shot 7 times

2005 : A suspected terrorist is shot dead by police at Stockwell underground station in south London. A few days later the man who police had killed was Jean Charles de Menezes a Brazillian Electrician who had nothing to do with terrorist activities. An apology was made by the British Prime Minister (Not Accepted by the family) and questions have been asked about the police's shoot-to-kill policy.

2008 U.S.A. Estelle Getty Dies

2008 : Estelle Getty, the comedian who played the popular role of Sophia Petrillo on the 1990s sitcom, Golden Girls, died on this day.

2009 Space Solar Eclipse

2009 : The longest total solar eclipse of the 21st century, (when the Moon passes between Earth and the Sun, thereby totally or partially obscuring Earth's view of the Sun) lasting up to 6 minutes and 38.8 seconds, occurs off the coast of Southeast Asia. The total eclipse was seen for shorter time-spans in the Maldives, northern Pakistan, northern India, northern Bangladesh, Bhutan, northern Philippines, central China and the Pacific Ocean.

2011 Norway Hit By Bombing and Shooting Attacks

2011 : A large bomb blast hit Norway's capital Oslo killing at least eight people. Soon after the bombing, a gunman attacked an island youth camp run by the country's Labor Party and killed at least sixty-eight people. A thirty-two year old suspect was detained, Anders Behring Breivik, and admitted to committing both attacks.

2012 Bradley Wiggins Wins Tour de France

2012 : Thirty-two year old Bradley Wiggins won the Tour de France, making the first British man to win the famous bicycle race. He won by a margin of three minutes and twenty-one seconds and second place went to fellow Brit, Chris Froome.

2013 Duchess of Cambridge Gives Birth

2013 : The Duchess of Cambridge gave birth to a healthy baby boy, named Prince George of Cambridge. The baby is Prince William's son and will likely become the King of England one day in the future. The news was met with celebrations across England and the world as royal baby fans camped out waiting for news of the birth.

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