Sunday, July 10, 2022

Printing Presses and Penguin Publishing in the 1940s

This film is available to license from our website at Huntley Film Archives, by searching for film 1000355 in our Film # search bar: Printing 1940's - newspapers and paperbacks and books The rollers, hand illuminating, reconstruction of William Morris's hand press. The small independent press. The large printing press. The block room, drawers of letters, moulded. Typesetters at work. Hand style. Type, setters machine. Machine cast letters. Line type', type setting for one off. Old letters, re-melted. Proof reading. Newspaper printing. Guttenberg type printer. Penguin books being printed. Railway newspaper stand. Design. Huntley Film Archives is a film library holding tens of thousands of films. The large majority of the films are documentaries. Films cover a wide range of subjects and production dates range from the 1890’s to the 2020’s. As with all libraries we make no judgement on the content of our holdings and make them available for educational purposes for all to see. Films may have content or express opinions some may think inappropriate or offensive, but it is not the work of a library to censor educational resources. Films should be viewed with historical objectivity and within a context relevant to the times in which they were produced.

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