Tuesday, August 02, 2022

Important Events From This day in History August 2nd


2 Aug, 1934 Germany Hitler

1934 : Adolf Hitler, the chancellor of Germany, became the country's Fuhrer (president and chancellor) today after German President Paul Von Hindenburg died.

2 Aug, 1914 US to Give Britain Credit

1914 : As a result of the economic instability caused by World War I, American bankers were seriously considering an issue of emergency currency within a week’s time. In Washington a conference between President Woodrow Wilson and New York Foreign exchange officials were going to discuss the possibility of allowing England an unprecedented amount of $100,000,000 credit.

2 Aug, 1929 U.S.A. Drought Conditions

1929 : A heat wave and near drought conditions occurring in Kansas, Oklahoma, and Western Missouri. The temperature was over 100 degrees and in Kansas it reached 107 degrees which was the hottest temperature the weather station had ever recorded.

2 Aug, 1939 World War I Propaganda

1939 : The German People, under the iron-clad command of Adolf Hitler, were ordered to celebrate the outbreak of World War I, which had happened 25 years before. The anniversary became a military holiday. Goebbels, Hitler’s propaganda minister, wrote in German newspapers of the time that Germany’s army had vastly improved since the 1914-1918 World War, which he trumpeted as a “heroic battle”. A German newspaper, Deutsche Allgemaine Zeitung proclaimed “… as long as Germans live they will remember their heroic sons of the World War days and will hold the memory of their deeds in the highest esteem.”

2 Aug, 1943 PT-109 Commanded by Lt. John F. Kennedy

1943 : The future president Lt. John F. Kennedy of the United States command, the PT-109 is sunk by the Japanese destroyer Amagiri while on patrol near the Solomon Islands. The future president was credited with saving members of his crew.

2 Aug, 1949 U.S.A. Bob Hope

1949 : Comedian, Bob Hope ended up in Hollywood’s Presbyterian Hospital as a result of been bucked off by his fake steed while working on a Hollywood film set. Hope was straddling a barrel rocked by Lucille Ball when it rolled over and sent him flying. He was under doctor’s orders to stay quiet in a hospital bed for several days, since the accident knocked him unconscious.

2 Aug, 1955 China US Prisoners To Be Released

1955 : After spending 32 months in a Chinese prison, eleven U.A. military airmen, who the Chinese accused of spying, were to be released. In Geneva, the Chinese Ambassador admitted that the freed airmen should be in Hong Kong by Thursday. The prisoners were shot down in their B29 aircraft which crashed on January 12th, 1953. Their capture and imprisonment had put a major strain on Chinese-American relations.

2 Aug, 1964 Gulf of Tonkin Attack On Maddox

1964 : Three North Vietnamese torpedo boats launch torpedoes against The US Destroyer Maddox in the Gulf of Tonkin. On the 4th, North Vietnamese patrol boats again attack Maddox which resulted in the Gulf of Tonkin Resolution which allowed US Forces to attack North Vietnamese basis in retaliation.

2 Aug, 1965 France Forest Fire Engulfs Camp Sites

1965 : Forest fires in the French Riviera in the south of France have forced hundreds of holiday makers onto the beaches, with many losing all their possessions when they left campsites and homes in the forest for the safety of the sea where they have been collecting. The French authorities have dispatched mine sweepers and other craft to pick up the survivors from the beaches.

2 Aug, 1973 Isle of Man Holiday Resort Fire

August 2, 1973 : The Summerland complex Holiday Leisure resort in Douglas, Isle Of Man has gone up in flames trapping hundreds inside the seven story building, fire crews were quickly on the scene and many of the occupants were bought to safety but it is estimated over 50 may well have been killed in the fire.

2 Aug, 1980 Bologna Terrorist Bomb

1980 : A bomb planted by right wing terrorists in a waiting room explodes in Bologna railway station, killing over 70 and injuring more than 200.

2 Aug, 1985 U.S.A. Jumbo Jet Plane Crash

1985 : A Delta Air Lines jumbo jet crashed and exploded Friday during a sudden and violent thunderstorm on its final approach to Dallas-Fort Worth International Airport killing as many as 130 people.

2 Aug, 1990 Iraq Invades Kuwait

1990 : 100,000 Iraqi soldiers invade Kuwait over an oil field feud when Iraqi troops crossed into Kuwait and the Iraqi leader Saddam Hussein threatens to turn Kuwait city into a "graveyard" if any other country dares to challenge the "take-over by force."

2 Aug, 1996 Japan Trade Deficit With US

1996 : Following the ever increasing trade deficit between Japan and the U.S.A a trade agreement is reached centered on establishing fair practices for the sale of American computer chips.

2 Aug, 1999 India Deadly Train Crash

1999 : A deadly train crash in Eastern India between an express train bound for Delhi and the stationary Awadh-Assam Express at Gaisal station has left the death toll at over 500, the cause of the crash is believed to be faulty signals which allowed the express train to plough into the stationary train and due to ammunition belonging to an army unit exploding a fire swept through the carriages where thousands of passengers were burned alive.

2 Aug, 2003 Liberia President Charles Taylor Ousted

2003 : In Monrovia, Liberia rogue President Charles Taylor, accused of producing 14 years of armed conflict in his country, fled to south eastern Buchanan. A delegate of Western African leaders entered the Liberian capitol with the intent of persuading Mr. Taylor into exile or retirement. Rebels were still shooting when they arrived. Nigerian peacekeepers were to be installed on Monday and Taylor was commanded to leave his country no later than Thursday. Taylor is accused of war crimes.

2 Aug, 2007 Recall By Fisher Price

August 2, 2007 : Fisher Price part of the Mattel group is to recall more 1 1/2 million Chinese manufactured toys over fears that the paint used could pose a health risk to young children if ingested. The toys effected include the popular Sesame Street's Big Bird and Elmo which are targeted at young children who are more likely to put the toys in their mouths. Check out examples of toys throughout history here!

2 Aug, 2009 Gulf War Missing In Action Found

2009 : The remains of the last US serviceman to be officially listed as missing in action from the 1991 Gulf War were found in Iraq by military officials after being notified of the possible location by local citizens.

2 Aug, 2011 President Obama Signs Debt Deal

2011 : After the US Senate voted to approve a debt deal, narrowly avoiding the default deadline, President Obama signed the deal, that would raise the debt ceiling by up to $2.4 trillion, it into law.

2 Aug, 2012 Chinese Teen Kills Eight

2012 : A Chinese teenager killed eight people and wounded five others in a knife attack in the Liaoning province. The seventeen-year old boy attacked his girlfriend's relatives after a fight with her.

2 Aug, 2013 Johnson and Johnson Fined

August 2, 2013 : Healthcare company Johnson and Johnson was fined for $85,000 in China after being accused of violating anti-monopoly laws in the country. Part of the accusation included concerns that they were setting a minimum price for surgical instruments being sold.


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