Friday, August 05, 2022

Important Events From This day in History August 5th


5 Aug, 1962 U.S.A. Marilyn Monroe

1962 : Marilyn Monroe was found dead in her bedroom, the death was ruled a suicide, as a bottle of empty sleeping pills was found near Monroe's body. Find More What happened in 1962.

5 Aug, 1920 Women’s’ Suffrage Movement

1920 : Senator Harding of Tennessee wired republican leaders to ask for support for the women’s’ suffrage movement in the legislature. The general assembly of Tennessee was on the brink of deciding whether it would support the cause or not. Senator Harding sent telegrams to two leading women in the suffrage movement -- Mrs.Carrie Chapman Catt and Mrs.George Milton -- telling them it looked hopeful for women getting the vote in Tennessee.

5 Aug, 1934 U.S.A. Dust Bowl Years

1934 : Oklahoma experienced a ravaging drought with temperatures reaching 117 degrees, killing both animals and humans. Ten thousand people in this state are on federal relief because of the drought. The cotton crop was only in fair condition. Pastures, crops, and orchards were scorched. Two thousand five hundred livestock were being bought a day by the government to prevent them from starving, however 30,000 beasts have already succumbed.

5 Aug, 1944 Poland Freedom Fighters

1944 : Polish freedom fighters liberate a German forced labor camp in Warsaw, freeing 348 Jewish prisoners, who join in a general uprising against the Germans.

5 Aug, 1901 Dowager Empress Frederick of Germany

1901 : Victoria, Dowager Empress Frederick of Germany has become gravely ill and many royal dignitaries are rushing to her sickbed. An official medical statement read, “The external disease from which her majesty is suffering, and which for years has been slowly increasing, has in the course of the last few weeks extended to the internal regions. Her majesty’s strength is diminishing rapidly … .”

5 Aug, 1947 Great Britain Asks US For Another Loan

1947 : Impoverished by World War II, Britain was looking to America in 1948 for financial help. Winston Churchill offered the Labor party support in appealing to the U.S. for another loan. He accused the British government of wasting the previous loan of $3,150,000 on non-essentials. Churchill pontificated, “There is no shame in one brave and faithful ally, deeply injured in the common struggle, asking for another to help him recover and stand upon his feet.”

5 Aug, 1948 Ecuador Earthquake

1948 : A deadly 6.7 magnitude earthquake hits Ecuador killing 6,000 people and injuring another 20,000 . The quake hit high in the Andes Mountains, about 100 miles south of Quito. The worst-affected cities were Ambato, Guano, Pelileo, Patate and Pillaro, though the tremor caused serious damage over an area of 1,500 square miles. Landslides set off by the quake proved to be the most deadly feature of the disaster. Houses fell down hills and others were buried. Approximately 100,000 people lost their homes. The landslides also caused some flooding by changing water-flow patterns. Some of the victims lost their lives to drowning.

5 Aug, 1954 Terrible New Clothes Fashions

1954 : Col. John H. Dilley, a hardened warrior who distinguished himself in Africa during World War II, wasn’t scorned today because of his military advice. He was outspoken about his views on clothing worn by American women. Clothing, which he said looked awful. His forbidden list included halter tops, revealing bathing suits, shorts, strapless dresses, and even blue jeans. In the wake of his remarks some women became furious. One retorted that female freedom was at stake, not just clothing.

5 Aug, 1957 U.S.A. "American Bandstand"

1957 : "American Bandstand," which featured teenagers dancing to Top 40 chart music hosted by Dick Clark, makes its network debut on ABC. The show had been running as a local show since it was introduced on Philadelphia television station WFIL-TV (Channel 6, now WPVI-TV) on October 7th, 1952 and ran until the show ended in 1989.

5 Aug, 1963 Soviet Union Test Ban Treaty

1963 : A partial nuclear test ban treaty was signed by the United States, Britain and Russia, the ban ends testing in the atmosphere, outer space and underwater.

5 Aug, 1973 Greece Terrorist Bombing

August 5, 1973 : Two Arab gunmen from the Palestinian militant group Black September take 35 hostages and open fire and throw grenades into a crowded passenger lounge at Athens airport killing 3 and injuring over 50 more. The terrorists are captured and later sentenced to death for the murders.

5 Aug, 1973 Cambodia American Bombing

1973 : Justice William O. Douglas issued a ban on the American bombing of Cambodia. However, it was overturned by Supreme Court Justice Thurgood Marshall hours later. President Nixon and the White House were indifferent to Douglas’ ban. However, Douglas contested that 7 other Supreme Court officials supported this ban and that proper procedure had not been followed.

5 Aug, 1975 England Dutch Elm Disease

1975 : Dutch elm disease has now destroyed more than three million trees in Britain and is continuing to spread according to Forestry Commission officials. The disease is believed to have spread from North America to Britain in infected imported timber. By the end of the decade nearly 1/3 of all Elm trees in Britain were destroyed by the fungal disease which was spread by the elm bark beetle.

5 Aug, 1981 U.S.A. Air Traffic Controllers

1981 : Following the strike by Air traffic controllers for more pay and better working conditions President Ronald Reagan called the strike illegal and threatened to fire any controller who had not returned to work within 48 hours. He also declared a lifetime ban on the rehiring of any sacked strikers by the Federal Aviation Administration.

5 Aug, 1983 U.S.A. AT&T Broken Up

1983 : AT&T is broken down into seven regional companies (often called Baby Bells) following the government's anti-trust suit against AT&T in 1974, and after nearly a decade of legal wrangling, forced the phone behemoth to divest itself of companies that provided local service.

5 Aug, 1999 Mark McGwire Home Run

1999 : Mark McGwire hit his 500th home run today at Busch Stadium in St. Louis, Missouri. Check out more in our History of Baseball section.

5 Aug, 2001 President George W. Bush

August 5, 2001 : President George W. Bush got a deluxe, six-hour physical carried out by 14 doctors his first since taking office. Apart from having a few skin lesions removed, the physicians deemed him to be in excellent health and liable to stay that way for the rest of his presidency. The president sneaks the occasional cigar, but it doesn’t seem to have affected him much.

5 Aug, 2006 Serial Shooter Killers Arrested

2006 : Phoenix, Arizona police have arrested two suspects in connection with the Serial Shooter Murders responsible for six murders and at least 29 other shootings in the Phoenix area. The suspects have been identified as Dale S. Hausner and Samuel John Dieteman.

5 Aug, 2006 Turkey Tigris River Dam

2006 : Turkey began building a dam on the Tigris river on this day. The controversial construction was projected to cost over $1.5 billion and create around 10,000 jobs. Critics believed that the dam would endanger ancient ruins and artifacts while also displacing many villages.

5 Aug, 2007 U.S. Soldier Trial For Rape Conviction

2007 : Jesse Spielman, a United States soldier convicted of playing a role in the rape and murder of a 14 year old girl and her family in Iraq was sentenced to 110 years in prison.

5 Aug, 2007 Israel Holocaust Survivors Protest

2007 : Holocaust survivors and other protesters demonstrated in front of the Israeli Prime Minister Ehud Olmert’s office on this day. The protesters demanded more state sponsored aid from the government for holocaust survivors.

5 Aug, 2012 Shooter Attacks Sikh Temple in Wisconsin

2012 : Seven people were killed after a gunman attacked a Sikh temple in Oak Creak, Wisconsin. Police killed the shooter after being ambushed by him.

5 Aug, 2013 Uruguay Same-Sex Marriage Law Begins

2013 : Uruguay's law that would allow same-sex couple to marry came into effect ninety days after it was passed in May. This makes Uruguay the second South American country to pass a same-sex marriage law.

5 Aug, 2013 United Kingdom Lab-Grown Burger Eaten

2013 : The first lab-grown burger was cooked and eaten at a news conference in London, England. The burger was made from taking cow cells and turning them into the strips of a muscle. Those who tasted it said that while it lacked some of the juiciness of a real burger it tasted fairly close to the real thing and had a similar texture.

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