Wednesday, September 14, 2022

Important Events From This day in History September 14th


14 Sept, 1982 Monaco Grace Kelly

1982 : Princess Grace of Monaco (Grace Kelly) dies today due to injuries sustained in a car crash yesterday.

14 Sept, 1901 President William McKinley Shot

1901 : William McKinley, the 25th President of the United States died on this day. He was assassinated by Leon Czolgosz when he is shot at point blank range on September 6th1901, eight days before he died.

14 Sept, 1926 China Yangtze River

1926 : British, American and French warships are battling for control of the Yangtse River following bombardment of foreign vessels by the Chinese.

Yangtze River Public Domain Photo

14 Sept, 1935 Nazi Swastika Remarks

1935 : The US Secretary of State Hull apologized to the German Ambassador for a Judges insulting remarks about the Nazi Swastika flag, and assured the German Government these are not the views of the American Government who will respect a countries sovereign right to choose a flag. It is believed Adolf Hitler will announce the Nazi Banner will be Germany's only National Flag at a special event at the Reichstag, Nuremburg on Sunday.

14 Sept, 1949 U.S.A. A & P Food Chain

1949 : The Attorney General has filed suit to break up the A & P nationwide food chain. This is a follow up to an anti-trust case earlier this year that the powerful chain must separate their manufacturing and processing from its buying and selling business. The company would need to broken up into 7 separate independent companies with no company owning more than 800 stores in contrast to the 6000 retail outlets it currently owns.

14 Sept, 1951 Seedless Watermelon

1951 : A seedless watermelon has been developed at Purdue University it is round and will weigh about 8 to 10 pounds, it could well be seen on sale in parts of the country by next year.

14 Sept, 1951 UK Fawley Oil Refinery

1951 : The largest oil refinery in Europe opens at Fawley on Southampton Water, the refinery is owned by Esso and is designed to process 300,000 barrels of crude oil daily.

14 Sept, 1959 First Man Made Object Reaches The Moon

September 14th, 1959 : The First Man Made Object Luna 2 crash lands on the Moon becoming the first man made object to reach the Moon in what many are calling the space race between the worlds two superpowers of the United States and the Soviet Union.

Luna 2 Space Module Public Domain Photo

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14 Sept, 1960 Iraq OPEC

1960 : The Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) was founded by five core members: Iran, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, and Venezuela.

14 Sept, 1960 Congo Army Takes Control

September 14th, 1960 : The army in Congo has taken control of the country just a few months after the country gains independence for Britain.

14 Sept, 1961 British New Guinea Communist Government Chosen

1961 : Yet another country in South America has chosen a pro-Communist government and the western world will watch carefully how the country progresses with fears that it provides the Soviet Union with another foothold in South America to base troops and aircraft.

14 Sept, 1966 Minimum Wage Raised To $1.40

September 14th, 1966 : The minimum wage is to a new rate of $1.40 an hour which would include State and local government workers at public schools and nursing homes, as well as the construction industry.

14 Sept, 1978 Bulgarian Defector Killed

1978 : In a bizarre case of the death of a Bulgarian exile Scotland Yard has called in germ warfare specialists to investigate claims that he was murdered by a jab from a needle tipped umbrella containing poison. Scotland Yard is working together with the British counter intelligence unit . He was well known as an author and broadcaster of anti-communist books and radio.

Possible Umbrella Gun Used For Poison

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14 Sept, 1985 Tit For Tat Expulsions

September 14th, 1985 : The USSR retaliates to British Expulsions of Soviet nationals suspected of spying by throwing out 25 British nationals suspected of spying.

14 Sept, 1991 Afghanistan Weapons Deal

1991 : After meetings between the US secretary of State and President Gorbachev a joint announcement has been made that the US will no longer supply arms to the US backed Rebels and The Soviet Union would stop supplying weapons to the Government in hopes that a peace can be reached in the war torn country.

14 Sept, 1994 U.S.A. Baseball Strike

September 14th, 1994 : After 34 days of strike by Major League Baseball Players Association the acting commissioner for baseball Bud Selig has announced the cancelation of the 1994 Major League Baseball season. The strike was over proposals by owners for a players salary cap and lasted in total for 232 days . Find out more about the History of Major League Baseball including the 1994 strike.

14 Sept, 1998 Microsoft Largest Company in the World

1998 : Microsoft has become the biggest company in the world after just 23 years, after being valued at $261bn on the New York stock exchange finally beating General Electric in valuation.

14 Sept, 2001 40 billion dollars approved to catch Osama Bin Laden

September 14th, 2001 : Following the terrorist attacks on the Twin Towers and the Pentagon 3 days ago, the President of the United States George W Bush has put the nation on maximum alert and approved the call up of thousands of reservists, congress has rushed through an emergency bill providing 40 billion dollars for the war on terrorism and the capture of Osama Bin Laden.

14 Sept, 2005 UK Store Cards High Interest Rates

2005 : The British Competition Commission has published it's latest report and proposed major changes in the rules governing store cards including better consumer information regarding rates and payment information. The Commission has accused the store card lenders of excessive interest rates and has recommended new laws, but has not introduced price caps on the extremely high interest rates charged (in some cases up to 35%).

14 Sept, 2006 U.S.A. E. Coli Breakout

September 14th, 2006 : An outbreak of 200 Escherichia coli (E. coli) illnesses in 26 states is traced to the bacteria in organic bagged fresh spinach grown on a 50 acre farm in San Benito County, California.

Escherichia coli (E. coli) Public Domain Photograph

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14 Sept, 2006 Germany Rabbis Ordained

2006 : Three Jewish students from Abraham Geiger College are ordained in Germany and become the first rabbis ordained in Germany since World War II.

14 Sept, 2007 Japan Lunar Probe

September 14th, 2007 : Japan launched its first lunar probe successfully. The probe, called Selene, was set to first orbit the Earth and then travel to the moon and gather information with two smaller satellites for a year.

14 Sept, 2008 Russia Aeroflot Plane Crash

2008 : An airliner from the Russian national airline, Aeroflot, crashed after it caught fire in mid-air, killing all eighty-eight passengers on board. The flight was coming from Moscow and on its way to Perm.

14 Sept, 2011 Ten Die in Train Crash in Tamil Nadu

September 14th, 2011 : Ten people died and another seventy were injured when a passenger train collided with a stationary train in Tamil Nadu, India.

14 Sept, 2012 William and Kate Sue Over Photos

2012 : Prince William and his new wife Kate Middleton began legal action against a French publication for publishing topless photos taken of Kate while on a private vacation in France. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge believe that the photos were a breach of privacy and wanted to prevent future publication.

14 Sept, 2013 Japan Launches Affordable Rocket

September 14th, 2013 : Japan launches the "affordable" Epsilon space rocket. The Epsilon rocket is about half the size of Japan's previous rockets and is also half the cost to produce. This rocket also uses artificial intelligence to perform some jobs like safety checks.

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