Tuesday, September 27, 2022

Important Events From This day in History September 27th


27 Sept, 1995 U.S.A. Trial of OJ Simpson

September 27th, 1995 : The trial of OJ Simpson is now entering it's closing stage with opening statements to the jury beginning on January 24th over the murder of his ex-wife Nicole Brown Simpson and her friend Ronald Goldman on June 12th 1994. The prosecutor is now starting on her closing statements to the jury warning them to look beyond the defense smoke screen at the facts of the case.

27 Sept, 1924 Russia Bandits Attack Trains

1924 : The Odessa to Moscow Odessa Express has again been attacked by bandits and most of the passengers ether killed or injured by the bandits, this is the 2nd attack in two weeks leaving over 100 dead. The motive is a combination of robbery and fighting against the ruling Czars.

27 Sept, 1938 Scotland RMS Queen Elizabeth

September 27th, 1938 : RMS Queen Elizabeth is launched at the John Brown and Company yard in Clydebank, Scotland. She was the largest passenger liner ever built and named to honor Queen Elizabeth, a consort of King George VI of England and mother to Queen Elizabeth II.

RMS Queen Elizabeth 1 Public Domain Photo

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27 Sept, 1939 Poland Surrenders

1939 : Poland surrenders to Germany after just 26 days and 140,000 Polish troops are taken prisoner.

27 Sept, 1940 Germany Tripartite Pact

September 27th, 1940 : The Axis powers of Germany, Italy and Japan sign the The Tripartite Pact with a one for all and all for one pledge.

Tripartite Pact  Public Domain Photo

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27 Sept, 1946 Greece Civil War

September 27th, 1946 : Greek and British government officials are planning on ways to bring the outright civil war in Northern Greece to an end. In a joint statement from London today they have said stern measures and whatever was needed to bring law and order would be used.

27 Sept, 1946 No New Cars For Sale

1946 : With returning GI's and the end to the war people are trying to buy new cars with little success as many of the factories have not been converted back to automobile production, this means that any one wishing to buy a new car can expect to pay 25% more than the OPA price guides from the factory. Prices range from $1,125 for a Chevrolet to $2,000 for a Cadillac.

1947 Cadillac

27 Sept, 1949 Miners Strike and Violence

September 27th, 1949 : Concerns over non Union Mine Workers taking deer rifles and pistols to work to protect themselves from constant raids by the United Mine Workers Pickets has bought State Troopers to the area in the hope of averting bloodshed between the two groups at western Pennsylvania Coal Fields.

27 Sept, 1957 Syria Soviet Union Supplying Arms

1957 : Calls by US and British members of the United Nations concerning the arms the Soviet Union is supplying to Syria have been called into question by the Russian Delegation who are asking if that is a problem why have the US and UK been selling arms to Syria for the last two years, both governments declined to comment.

27 Sept, 1959 Japan Typhoon Vera

September 27th, 1959 : Typhoon Vera with winds over 160 miles an hour struck the main Japanese island of Honshu, killing nearly 5,000 people.

27 Sept, 1963 FBI Cracks Down On Racketeers

1963 : In a US wide crackdown on racketeers in 43 major cities IRS officials working together with the FBI have arrested thousands who are to be charged with tax evasion.

27 Sept, 1963 Bureau of the Census Clock

1963 : According to the U.S. Bureau of the Census the US population is recorded at 190,000,000. The resident population of the United States, projected on 06/19/08 at 15:33 GMT (EST+5) is 304,381,635 U.S. Bureau of the Census Clock. The resident population of the United States, projected on 09/18/2017 at 21:13 UTC (+4) is 325,906,759. U.S. Bureau of the Census Clock

27 Sept, 1964 Warren Commission

September 27th, 1964 : The Warren commission released its report with their official conclusions on the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. "Lee Harvey Oswald, hostile to his world and hungry for fame, assassinated President John F. Kennedy and shot his way to infamy without the help of any conspiracy.

President John F. Kennedy Public Domain Photo

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27 Sept, 1968 England Musical Hair

1968 : The American musical "Hair" opens at the Shaftesbury Theatre in Londons West End the day after the abolition of British theatre censorship. The musical contains scenes featuring nudity and drug-taking as well as a strong anti Vietnam war message and includes the desecration of the American flag on stage. The reviews in America and Great Britain are mixed.

27 Sept, 1977 Self Service Gas Stations

September 27th, 1977 : In a new study just published shows the change at your local gas station since the gas crisis in 1973-1974, gone are the days when your windscreen was washed and oil checked while the attendant filled your gas, also the repair bays are disappearing from local gas stations. But now the most controversial of the changes is appearing at more and more gas stations (the self service pump) where you pump your own gas. Many believe that the new self service gas stations will never replace the traditional gas station.

27 Sept, 1980 Iran / Iraq War

1980 : As the fighting between two of the largest oil producing nations in the world intensifies, western economies who rely on oil are starting to feel concerned but not in a panic as there are large reserves in most western countries. It has only been one week since oil shipments stopped coming from Iran and Iraq.

27 Sept, 1985 U.S.A. Hurricane Gloria

1985 : Hurricane Gloria forces the New York Stock Exchange to close its doors for the day.

Hurricane Gloria Flooding Public Domain Photo

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27 Sept, 1989 Zsa Zsa Gabor

September 27th, 1989 : Zsa Zsa Gabor, on trial for slapping a police officer, storms out of the courtroom in the middle of the district attorney's closing argument. Later that day, Gabor was convicted and sentenced to 72 hours in jail, 120 hours of community service, and $13,000 in fines and restitution.

27 Sept, 1989 Columbia Pictures

1989 : Sony buys Columbia Pictures for $3.4 billion.

27 Sept, 1996 Militia Take Control of Kabul

1996 : The Taliban radical Islamic group militia led by Mullah Mohammed Omah has now gained control of the countries capital Kabul after storming the presidential palace the country's seat of government. The countries ex-President Burhanuddin Rabbani, his prime minister and his military chief are all in hiding. The Taliban remained in control of the country until 2001 when the opposition Northern Alliance supported by the US regained control.

27 Sept, 1998 U.S.A. Mark McGwire

1998 : Mark McGwire of the St. Louis Cardinals breaks the single-season home run record (held by Roger Maris) hitting his record-setting 69th and 70th home runs during the last game of the season against the Montreal Expos.

27 Sept, 2001 Switzerland Friedrich Leibacher

September 27th, 2001 : Friedrich Leibacher armed with an assault rifle and several pistols runs amok in a central Switzerland government building, killing at least 14 people before killing himself.

27 Sept, 2004 Virgin Galactic and Space Tourism

2004 : Richard Branson has signed a deal for 5 Virgin Galactic Spaceships to be built to take paying passengers into space with a sub orbital flight which will provide only a few minutes of time in true space and expected to cost £100,000.

27 Sept, 2005 Vietnam Typhoon Damrey

September 27th, 2005 : Typhoon Damrey has struck North Vietnam, forcing hundreds of thousands of people to evacuate away from the coast. The typhoon struck China's island province of Hainan two days earlier on the 25th September with winds in excess of 100 mph killing at least 16 and leaving the island without power.

27 Sept, 2007 Burma Protests

September 27th, 2007 : 100,000 take to the streets in the major cities in Burma during the "Saffron Revolution" (so called because of the color of the saffron robes worn by Buddist Monks) protesting the military dictatorship of the country. The protests had started in early September over the doubling of price for petrol, but the 27th September protests bought the largest number of protesters on to the streets prior to the military crackdown which included the murder and arrest of prominent anti government leaders, and security forces raiding monasteries. By early October the protests end due to the use of military force and arrests of the ring leaders.

27 Sept, 2008 China Walk In Space

2008 : Chinese astronaut, Zhai Zhigang, became the first person from China to walk in space.

27 Sept, 2011 Australia Women in Combat Roles

2011 : Australia has gotten rid of all rules that restrict women's roles in the country's armed forces. The move would allow qualified women to serve in combat units and the Defense Minister stated that it could take up to five years to implement the new policy.

27 Sept, 2012 Mexican Authorities Capture Drug Lord

September 27th, 2012 : Ivan Velazuez Caballero, one of the most wanted drug traffickers in Mexico was arrested by security forces along with two other accomplices in the city of San Luis Potosi.

27 Sept, 2013 Roma Gypsy Camp Cleared

September 27th, 2013 : French police have cleared out a Roma Gypsy camp in the town of Roubaix. Around two-hundred people had been living in the camp but many of them had left before the police dismantled it. The move came only a few days after the interior minister had said the Roma should be expelled from the country.


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