Tuesday, October 11, 2022

Important Events From This day in History October 11th


11 Oct, 1987 Scotland Loch Ness Monster

1987 : A three day hunt costing 1.6 million dollars hoping to prove or disprove the legend of The Loch Ness Monster ended today with no scientific proof except three sonar blips that showed objects in the middle of the 754-foot-deep loch. If Nessie does exist the best guess is that it is an prehistoric reptile a plesiosaur.

More about the Loch Ness monster

11 Oct, 1910 U.S.A. Theodore Roosevelt

1910 : Theodore Roosevelt became the first US president to fly aboard an airplane with Archie Hoxsey, an aviator for the Wright Brothers.

11 Oct, 1921 U.S.A. Sleeping Sickness

1921 : A plague that medical science can not explain is taking more and more lives each year. The Plague is sleeping sickness which affects young and old , rich and poor. Last year in Ohio the toll was 200 and this year it will exceed that number and many are hoping that medical science will find the cause of this terrible disease.

11 Oct, 1939 Albert Einstein Writes To President

1939 : Albert Einstein wrote his famous letter to FDR about the potential of the atomic bomb. In the letter, he argued the scientific feasibility of atomic weapons, and urged the need for development of a US atomic program.

11 Oct, 1939 World War II Russia Threatens Finland

1939 : Russian troops, tanks and artillery are massing on the Finnish border as a Finnish envoy goes to Moscow to receive Russian demands, currently a mass evacuation of women and children from major towns and cities is underway in preparation for war.

11 Oct, 1941 World War II German Offensive on Russia

1941 : Berlin released a statement today saying that the massive offensive against Russia is almost complete and only a mopping up operation is now needed to take full control of the last English Ally on the continent of Europe. Many believe that although Russia's plight is critical it is not terminal as the red army are still a force to be reckoned with and as the cold Russian winter sets in Russia will gain back much of the ground it has lost.

11 Oct, 1952 Great Britain Accidents in The Home

1952 : An alarming report produced by the Department of Health in England says that more children under the age of 15 are killed in accidents in the home mostly through burns and scolding than in any way including on the roads.

11 Oct, 1968 U.S.A. Apollo 7

1968 : Apollo 7, NASA's first three-man space mission, is launched from Cape Canaveral.

11 Oct, 1973 Middle East Arab Israeli War

October 11th, 1973 : The Arab -- Israeli war is now in it's sixth day and Israeli ground forces have crossed the cease fire line agreed after the 1967 6 day war, in commando attacks on Syrian forces with torpedo boats and commando forces. Meanwhile Jordan who are not currently involved in the war may be bowing to other Arab countries to enter the war and is known to be mobilizing it's forces on the Israeli border. Both American and Soviet involvement is currently with limited re-supply, but concerns that Israel are being overwhelmed could well mean a full scale re-supply of arms by the US which will lead to a similar re-supply by the Soviet Union. The last Arab --- Israeli War was over on the sixth day but this one has much longer to run unless a diplomatic solution can be reached.

11 Oct, 1974 England Harold Wilson Wins

1974 : Harold Wilson's Labour government has won the general election and a second term in office.

Harold Wilson Public Domain Photo

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11 Oct, 1975 U.S.A. Saturday Night Live

October 11th, 1975 : The comedy-variety show Saturday Night Live premiered with George Carlin as the host.

11 Oct, 1976 China New Party Chairman

1976 : The new chairman of China's Communist Party, Hua Guofeng, has ordered the arrest the so-called Gang of Four which is led by Chairman Mao's widow Jian Qing, and includes Wang Hongwen, Yao Wenyuan, and Zhang Chunqiao.

11 Oct, 1982 England The Mary Rose Raised

October 11th, 1982 : The Mary Rose, flagship of King Henry VIII, has been raised to the surface after 437 years at the bottom of the Solent. The ship's remains of mud-caked timber were successfully re-floated and experts will now begin the long process of restoring the Mary Rose in a dry dock in Portsmouth. The Mary Rose now forms part the maritime museum at Portsmouth and together with HMS Victory attracts hundreds of thousands of visitors each year.

Mary Rose Tudor Warship Public Domain Photo

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11 Oct, 1984 U.S.A. Kathy Sullivan

1984 : Kathy Sullivan becomes the first American woman to walk in space during a Test for orbital refueling on the Space Shuttle Challenger mission STS-41-G.

11 Oct, 1986 Iceland Arms Talks

October 11th, 1986 : President Ronald Reagan and Soviet leader Mikhail Gorbachev meet in Reykjavik, Iceland, to continue discussions about curbing their intermediate missile arsenals in Europe.

11 Oct, 1987 U.S.A. Aids March

1987 : Hundreds of thousands march for lesbian and gay rights marched by the White House and then assembled on the national Mall below the U.S. Capitol. The march was led by about 3,000 people with AIDS, some in wheelchairs, others in chartered buses.

11 Oct, 1991 US Unemployment Benefit Blocked

October 11th, 1991 : President Bush today vetoed a bill that would have provided up to an additional 20 weeks unemployment benefit calling it poorly designed and unnecessarily expensive.

11 Oct, 1998 US Dollar

1998 : After a week of heavy currency speculation the dollar settles at it's lowest level against the Japanese Yen with the dollar trading at 116 yen (Dollar - Yen Exchange Rate 99 Yen in October 2008, Dollar - Yen Exchange Rate 112.64 Yen in September 2017).

11 Oct, 2000 U.S.A. AOL

October 11th, 2000 : America Online becomes the biggest, richest and most successful Internet company with nearly 30 million subscribers world wide paying the monthly fee to connect to the Internet. AOL which now includes to its CompuServe subsidiary now has stock market value stood of $133 bn which is higher than IBM stock market value.

11 Oct, 2000 U.S.A. Environmental Disaster

2000 : A major environmental disaster happens when over 300 gallons of black sludge is released into the Mississippi River near Inez, Kentucky as the result of the collapse of an energy company’s dam resulting in the death of millions of fish and cost nearly 78 million dollars to clean up. the company was charged guilty of Clean Water Act violations.

11 Oct, 2002 Carter Wins Nobel Peace Prize

October 11th, 2002 : Former President Jimmy Carter wins the Nobel Peace Prize for his efforts at ending the middle east conflict and acting as a mediator between Egypt and Israel.

11 Oct, 2002 U.S.A. Iraq War

2002 : The United States Senate joined the House of Representatives in approving 77-23 the use of America's military against Iraq.

11 Oct, 2002 8th Murder By Washington Beltway Sniper

October 11th, 2002 : Kenneth Bridges filling up his car at a gas station near Fredericksburg, Va., was shot to death in the eighth murder linked to the Washington Area sniper. John Allen Muhammad and Lee Boyd Malvo were finally captured on October 24th.

11 Oct, 2006 Small Plane Crashes Into High Rise New York

2006 : A small aircraft crashed into a high-rise building in Manhattan's Upper East Side killing Yankees baseball player Cory Lidle and his flying instructor. The accident caused concern to New Yorkers raising fears of another terrorist strike until the FBI ruled out any terrorist connections.

11 Oct, 2007 US Army Recruitment Increase

October 11th, 2007 : The numbers of US Army soldiers in the army, army guard and army reserve is set to increase to 547,000, Army Recruitment has come under fire because the number of new recruits have who have not graduated from high school is over 20%.

11 Oct, 2011 Hurricane Jova Lands in Mexico

2011 : Hurricane Jova, a category two storm, hit Mexico's Pacific coast with heavy rain and winds. Weather forecasters warned that although the storm would weaken there could still be a chance for damaging floods and landslides to occur in the area.

11 Oct, 2012 Venezuela Chavez Names Vice President

October 11th, 2012 : Hugo Chavez, newly re-elected president of Venezuela, announced that Nicolas Maduro would be his new vice president for his next six year term leading the country. Maduro would temporarily be president in the country if Chavez had to step down due to health problems as he has been suffering from cancer.

11 Oct, 2013 United States Football Star's Son Killed

2013 : Minnesota Vikings running-back Adrian Peterson's son died. His son was under the care of the mother's boyfriend, Joseph Patterson, and died as a result of abuse. Patterson was being charged. Peterson said he would continue to play football as normal as it gave him comfort.


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