Monday, October 17, 2022

Important Events From This day in History October 17th


17 Oct, 1973 Kuwait Oil Embargo

1973 : Members of OPEC announced an oil embargo and that they would discontinue all oil shipments to those countries that supported Israel in its war against Syria and would decrease oil production by 5 per cent a month until Israel gave up all territory it seized in the 1967 war and restores the rights of the Palestinian refugees. As oil prices rose American consumers sought out more fuel efficient cars mostly from Japanese car makers whose cars gave nearly twice the miles per gallon as the existing American built cars did.

17 Oct, 1907 U.S.A. Telegraph

1907 : The first commercial wireless telegraph is sent over the Atlantic Ocean.

17 Oct, 1927 U.S.A. Air Mail

1927 : With the increase in air mail traffic the post office is encouraging people to use the service more by making it easy with a flat rate of 10 cents for letters weighing less than 1/2 ounce to anywhere in the United States, Canada or the United Kingdom. All that is needed is to include the word Air Mail next to the 10 cent stamp and put into any post box and the post office will do the rest.

17 Oct, 1931 U.S.A. Al Capone

1931 : Scarface Al Capone well known gangster is found guilty of income tax evasion. One week later he was sentenced to 11 years in prison and a fine of $50,000.

Scar Face Al Capone Public Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 1933 U.S.A. Dr. Albert Einstein

1933 : Dr. Albert Einstein and his wife fleeing from Nazi Germany arrive in Princeton, New Jersey, where he will continue his scientific work at the Institute of Advanced Study.

Dr. Albert Einstein Public Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 1937 U.S.A. Poultry Farmer Protection

1937 : The federal farm and administration is again stepping in to protect poultry farmers by offering to buy fresh and storage eggs ,in the spring of this year following the purchase of $2,000,000 of eggs they managed to help poultry farmers survive.

17 Oct, 1943 Thailand to Burma Railway Completed

1943 : The 415-km Thailand Burma railroad (Death Railway) between Bangkok, Thailand and Rangoon, Burma is completed. During the construction of the railway approximately 13,000 prisoners of war and 100,000 civilians died due to the living and working conditions with most dying due to malnutrition, and diseases like cholera, malaria, and dysentery. Part of the railway was “The Bridge on the River Kwai” which was later made into a movie.

17 Oct, 1947 Burma Independence

1947 : Britain and Burma signed an agreement today giving Burma full independence outside of the British Commonwealth if it chooses. This ends 300 years of British Rule over the country.

17 Oct, 1947 U.S.A. Fire

1947 : A major fire in Maine caused more than a couple of hundred thousand acres of land along with several hundred of homes and at least a few hundred cottages were destroyed before it ended on November 14th.

17 Oct, 1952 U.S.A. Mechanical Heart

1952 : The worlds first successful use of a mechanical heart on July 3rd during a heart operation was announced today, it kept a mans blood going through his body for a total of 50 minutes and he is still alive and well today.

17 Oct, 1956 Sellafield Nuclear Power Station

October 17th, 1956 : Queen Elizabeth II officially opens Sellafield Nuclear Power Station although the power station had been providing electricity to the National Grid since 27th August 1956.

17 Oct, 1961 France Algerian Independence

1961 : Paris police shoot and kill more than 200 Algerians marching in the city in support of peace talks to end their country's war of independence against France.

17 Oct, 1965 U.S.A. Worlds Fair

October 17th, 1965 : The New York World's Fair ended which had started in 1964.

New York Worlds Fair 1964 to 1965 Domain Photo

17 Oct, 1968 Black Power Salute at the Olympics

1968 : Two black athletes make the Black Power Salute " when they bow and raise a black gloved hand as the American National Anthem played during the victory ceremony for the 200m final in Mexico" as a silent protest against racial discrimination in the United during the Mexico Olympics Ceremony. On the 17th they were both sent home by the U.S.A. national team and many were upset that politics had been bought into the Olympics.

Black Power Salute Olympics Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 1978 Scotland Grey Seal Cull

October 17th, 1978 : The Greenpeace Rainbow Warrior spends two weeks trailing the Norwegian boat Kvitungen preventing the start of the Grey Seal cull. And public opinion forces the Scottish Secretary Brian Millan to reduce the cull from 4,600 Grey Seal to 2,000 and local fisherman will perform the cull not the Norwegian boat.

17 Oct, 1979 India Mother Teresa

1979 : Mother Teresa is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for her work on behalf of the poor and destitute in Calcutta

Mother Teresa Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 1989 Earthquake San Francisco

October 17th, 1989 : A major earthquake registering 6.9 on the Richter scale hit the San Francisco Bay Area today causing the evacuation of 60,000 fans from Candlestick Park waiting for Game Three of the World Series to begin. The earthquake caused the death of nine people and injured hundreds more in the San Fransisco area.

San Francisco Earthquake

17 Oct, 1992 U.S.A. Dylan Concert

1992 : A concert to celebrate Bob Dylan and his 30 years of music bought fans from around the country to New York last night. But when Sinead O'Connor appeared on stage she was booed off stage. The reason the crowd gave her such a hard time was because this is the first public appearance since she was on "Saturday Night Live " on October 3rd where she ripped up a photograph of the Pope.

17 Oct, 1994 England Taxi World Record

October 17th, 1994 : A world record is set by a British taxi driver Jeremy Levine after completing a round-trip journey to Cape Town South Africa of 26,691 miles. His passengers Mark Aylett and Carlos Aresse paid 40,000 pounds.

17 Oct, 1998 Norway Nobel Peace Prize

1998 : David Trimble a Protestant and John Hume a Catholic are joint winners of this years Nobel Peace prize for helping to create a lasting peace in Northern Ireland.

17 Oct, 1998 Nigeria Pipeline Explosion

October 17th, 1998 : A pipeline explosion in Jesse, Nigeria, kills 700 people with the resulting fire burning for nearly a week. It is believed that the explosion was caused by local towns people tapping into the pipeline to steal oil but because the fire and explosion incinerated every person close by, the reason for the explosion was never fully explained.

17 Oct, 2000 England Hatfield Rail Crash

2000 : A high speed passenger train derails just north of London at Hatfield leaving 4 dead.

17 Oct, 2003 Taiwan Taipei 101

October 17th, 2003 : Taipei 101 become the World's tallest high-rise building at 1,671 feet after the pinnacle is fitted on the roof. The definition of tallest building in the world is disputed because of disputes over what and what not should be included.

Mother Teresa Domain Photo

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17 Oct, 2006 Population Reaches 300 million

2006 : The United States population reaches 300 million (current 2017 population estimated at 326,051,818).

17 Oct, 2006 Italy Train Crash Rome

October 17th, 2006 : Two metro trains crashed at Piazza Vittorio Emanuele II station in Rome when one hit the back of another. One person died as a result of the crash while 110 people were injured.

17 Oct, 2007 Burma More Arrests

2007 : Following the uprising in Burma / Myanmar squashed by the ruling junta, governments around the world continue to protest, Burma's leaders appear to remain defiant and are continuing to round up those suspected of involvement.

17 Oct, 2009 H1N1 Virus / Swine Flue Vaccine

October 17th, 2009 : As the number of reported deaths from the H1N1 virus (swine flu) increases, US officials have warned of delays in the delivery of swine flu vaccine. (Update 2010) Swine flu was a major concern in the United States and around the world in October and November of 2009 with concerns that the flu could kill millions, but luckily it was not as deadly as many feared.

17 Oct, 2011 Spaceport America Opens

2011 : Richard Branson opens the world's first commercial spaceport, Spaceport America, in the U.S. state of New Mexico, Plans are underway for flights to begin in just two years from the spaceport.

17 Oct, 2012 Uruguay Legalizes Abortion

October 17th, 2012 : Uruguay became the second Latin American country to legalize abortion. The law would allow all women to have an abortion within the first twelve weeks of pregnancy. Women wishing to seek an abortion in the country would have to see a panel of experts and explain why they wanted an abortion and would then have to wait a few days before they could make their final decision.

17 Oct, 2013 Florida Convicts Accidentally Released

2013 : Two convicted murderers in a Florida prison were accidentally released after forged paperwork ordering their release was mistaken as real. The prisoners, Joseph Jenkins and Charles Walker were both serving life sentences and news of the mistake was not reported to authorities until a few weeks after their release.

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